- Do you “just do it” as Nike would say?
- Do you spend time to plan it all out?
- Do you hem and haw and never get anything done?
What goes through your mind before you begin
- Do you go through what others will say?
- Do you go through with your plan because it resonates with you with no worries about others?
- Do you go through with your plan Just because?
- Will you finish what you begin?
Wendy Simard
I’ve just recently realized that it doesn’t matter if what you create is great or it sucks. The sheer virtue of you having created it means it’s “perfect.” (This, coming from someone who was a perfectionist for…oh, about 38 years of her life. LOL!)
I love this. And Jennifer’s comment is spot on for me. I plan and re-plan as well. I create and re-create. I shoot and re-shoot. (We’re talking about pictures here, hah.) All because I am afraid whatever I’m doing won’t be “good enough.” Which inevitably creates this circle of getting nothing done at times. I will say, after I got over myself and started the blog, I have been MUCH better at just doing it. Because WHO cares if not EVERYONE likes it? Some people will love it – some people will hate it. Every word and all I’ve created. Great article – thanks for sharing!
Jennifer Brown
These are some really great questions. I have always had a tendency to plan, and re-plan and revise. I have wasted a lot of time in efforts to reach the myth that is perfection. I have always put a lot of weight on what I think others will say or think. Listening to my gut, trusting, and just being myself, as vulnerable as I may feel, I am making a conscious effort to really put myself out there.
Bonnie Rogers
Jennifer, next time use your own bs meter. If it feels right do it. Trust your gut.