Fear is Real - how we can help our body deal with it
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 3/12/2020 to
Bonnie's Thoughts
Herbs to help Anxiety, Panic attacks and Stress
We all have fear at times, but now our fear is “over the top”. We are afraid to walk out of our homes, go to a public place and so much more. We have stress that is out of control and some are even having panic attacks
Everything is being cancelled, whether it is a business meeting, a networking event, your vacation or right now your flights. Yes, we need this at this very moment, but how can we get some relief from our anxiety?
What can we do to alleviate some of it with herbal medicine and diet?
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Fire Cider and your immune system
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 3/5/2020 to
Healthy Recipes
Simple herbal medicine you can make in your kitchen and use daily.
Everyone is concerned today with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I thought I'd give you some of my thoughts today on how you can not only keep yourself safe (hopefully) but how you can build up your immune system so that if the virus happens to get in you, your body can fight it naturally.
What I am currently doing to keep my immune system strong and recipes for you to make:
Slippery Elm Lozenges
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 11/26/2018 to
Healthy Recipes
Learn why to use slippery elm honey balls and how to make them using our simple recipe
Post Election Anxiety and Fear
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 11/9/2016 to
Herbal Medicine
If you are feeling anxiety, stress, panic and fear after last night’s results let’s talk about some herbs that may be able to calm your system down.
Whether you are a democrat and are nervous, stressed and pissed off at the outcome or you are a republican and are quietly questioning whether Trump can make the changes he spoke of, I think we are all in a state of fear. How the fear affects you may be different than others.
What makes you happy?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 5/26/2016 to
Herbal Medicine
What makes you happy? What would you do everyday that would establish a stress free state for you? If you could play at something every day, what would it be, leave me a comment below, tell me what you would do.
How to make Bone Broth and Why Nettles makes it Super Nutritious
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 5/11/2016 to
Healthy Recipes
Bone broth ............. what is it and why is it so good for you?
Let's begin our conversation on why I think of bone broth as "Liquid Gold" or my "Magic Elixer". When I drink bone broth daily (1-3 cups per day) I feel amazing. My joint pain fades, my skin looks great and my energy becomes really balanced. What does bone broth do for your body:
Invasion of the Healthy Dandelions
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 4/19/2016 to
Herbal Medicine
As much as so many people call dandelions an invasive weed, I believe they are truly a medicine for your body. A simple yellow dandelion flower can make you smile as well as detox your body. They can be used in so many ways, read on....
Menopause, Tamoxifen, Chemotherapy Symptoms: Herbal and Natural Solutions
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 11/29/2015 to
Herbal Medicine
ESTROGEN decreases as we approach menopause (or if we are on certain medications, chemotherapy, tamoxifen and more).
For many women this drop in estrogen produces dryness, not just in the vaginal area but all over. These women begin seeing dry skin, dry eyes and dry everywhere in between. Hormones, they control so much of our body; so what can we do to in order to moisturize our vaginal area and the rest of our body.
So What’s a woman to do?
Some suggestions I have found helped myself and many of my clients. Please feel free to leave me any comments below with questions.
To Detox or Not?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 5/3/2015 to
Herbal Medicine
The world we live in is filled with way too many toxins. They are found in our food, our environment and just about everywhere we go. The problem I see is that these toxins find a place in our body to live. In some people they may create a digestive problem, weight issue and the list goes on. Toxins are stored in our fat cells.
Mullein can help us break through the Stuck Gunk
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 4/28/2015 to
Herbal Medicine
Winter is coming fast and as much as we try to stay healthy sometimes those virus' and bacteria get through to our family and we want to find a simple solution to get rid of the symptoms that they leave behind in our bodies. Herbal medicine is magical at knowing how to get into the little spaces in our bodies and heal them.
In our society so many reach for a pill before they think about using a simple tea , healing food or a simple herbal tincture. Today I'm going to share with you some simple herbal tools you can use when you, your family or your clients get what I call Crud or Gunk stuck in our lungs.
Why Magnesium is so Vital to our Bodies
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 10/22/2014 to
Herbal Medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 3/4 of Americans are magnesium deficient which creates many health symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. A deficiency in magnesium can be linked to a variety of health problems from simple irritability to chronic fatigue.
Symptoms of Magesium deficiency:
Are you taking a Pill for your ill?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 9/17/2014 to
Herbal Medicine
For many people they grew up hearing "Take an aspirin" when they had a headache or when something else hurt, they heard "you should go to the doctor", even if it was a cold that they had. Is this how you live your life?
Have you ever thought that the culinary herbs that are in your cupboard can help? Next time you have a headache,
First Aid right outside Your Door
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 8/1/2014 to
Herbal Medicine
Did you know that in most cases, first aid is right outside your door? My first line of defense for cuts, bruises, itching, and bites is an herb called Plantain. Plantain for many of you is called a “weed”. I consider it prime medicine.
Plantain is one of the herbs in my top 5 list of mandatory plants to have. . This is the plant I teach children about first. Plantain, at least here in the northeast, grows everywhere. If there is a lawn that hasn't been sprayed, most times if you look you'll see plantain growing, especially around the perimeter.
Rose Prickly or Loving?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 7/23/2014 to
Herbal Medicine
Who doesn't like roses? We think of them for love. We give them to our loved ones to express how we feel but have you ever used rose for healing?
Following is one of my favorite herbal medicines. All you need is a drop to open up your heart and relax.
Rose Glycerite - read on for the recipe
No Kitchen should be without Fire Cider
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 1/15/2014 to
Healthy Recipes
In my opinion, no kitchen should be without fire cider! For me Fire Cider is a tonic.
I take small amounts of it daily as an inexpensive, effective way to treat or stave off colds & to break up congestion.
Some of the benefits of Fire Cider's ingredients include:
Dandelion – Just a Weed?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 9/12/2013 to
Herbal Medicine
For those of us who just love dandelion, I’d like to let you in on a little secret. Dandelion is not just a weed in your garden, its filled with amazing health benefits.
In fact, some say that if you have a lot of dandelions in your yard, they are there because you or someone in your household needs them. Dandelion roots can be harvested in the fall or in the early spring
Herbs for Spring Allergies
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 4/4/2013 to
Herbal Medicine
Did you know that you can use herbs for spring allergies? As I mentioned the other day, spring is the time for new beginnings. The plants begin to flower and now we have pollen which for many creates heavy, stuffy heads, watery, itchy eyes and so much more.
Instead of grabbing for an allergy pill you may want to use herbs and foods to both alleviate the symptoms in addition to helping to eliminate the problem.
Spring Equinox and balance
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 3/21/2013 to
Herbal Medicine
Today, March 20, 2013 is Spring Equinox. Spring Equinox is one of only 2 days in the year when we have equal day and night. There are exactly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. As you look online about spring equinox you will notice a lot of talk about balance. Balancing brooms, standing eggs on their ends, but what I really want to chat about today is "Do you feel balanced?"
Breathe in the amazing White Pine
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 12/21/2012 to
Herbal Medicine
Have you ever sat under an enormous white pine and felt the healing energy she gives us or taken a few pine needles,or a small twig and scraped the bark off and smelled the clean white scent she offers us? Pine is considered a sacred tree throughout much of Europe and many American Indian traditions. To the Iroquois, she symbolizes a balanced life, truth, peace and a clear life purpose. The Seneca people see her as a dream of peace for all beings and many of the cultures believe that the Spirit of the Forest lives in the old pines. After the senseless murders last week in Newtown, CT, White Pine seems like the plant we should be working with right now.
Goldenrod for a sore, sprained or pulled muscle?
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 8/15/2012 to
Herbal Medicine
For many of us sore, sprained and pulled muscles are something that happens once in a while, while others are constantly looking for solutions to these issues. For a sprain your first line of defense should always be ice, which helps bring the inflammation down. In addition there are some herbal remedies you may find helpful.
Chickweed - the Little Star Lady
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 3/27/2012 to
Herbal Medicine
Spring showed up here a little earlier than anyone expected; nothing like having 60-70 degree days in February and March in New York. The plants are so happy; they’ve been breaking through the ground all over the place. My daffodils are already about 10 inches tall, they’re not usually like this till mid-April. Maybe it’s a message to us that we should be eating our spring greens earlier this year than before?
When we talk about eating spring greens, it’s not about going to the store and picking up a bunch of kale or collards, it’s all about eating wild foods.
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 2/22/2012 to
Herbal Medicine
Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a rut? You’re angry, aggravated and just need a little something. Next time, reach for a little bit of motherwort tincture and see how all of a sudden things look a little brighter.
Motherwort is an interesting plant, as you look at her relatively innocuous flowers, just be aware that towards the stem they are very prickly and I’ve been stuck numerous times.
Never allow someone to take your power away
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 2/9/2012 to
Herbal Medicine
Never allow someone to take your power away….. Linden can help you if this happens to you.
How to get your Swing Back
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 11/27/2011 to
Vaginal Pain
It's that season again, filled with high anxiety, too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. Ever notice that the intimate moments that you used to make time for are quite limited these days. I want you to remember that when you are sexually satisfied, many of the other ailments you've had seem to fade away.
My motto: Simple shifts can make powerful changes so let's chat about some simple things you can do:
We'll start with anxiety:
Burdock - Transformation at its Best
Posted by Bonnie Rogers on 10/30/2011 to
Herbal Medicine
So often we think that we need to do our best and make changes without any assistance. I invite you to start thinking about the possibility that the plants can help make this transformation easier for you.
I spent some time Monday digging burdock roots. They grow long tap roots that send out lateral holding roots whenever they can find something to grab onto, such as a rock. They are, in my opinion, one of the toughest plants to dig up. They are so grounded. Do you know anyone like this?