What does Spring look like for you?

What does Spring look like for you?

For me as soon as I see dandelion flowers popping out all over the place, reality sets in, Spring is finally here. 

The dandelion is a tough tenacious plant which is know for its ability to survive almost anything and to spread herself far and wide. The bright flowers look like little suns, full of energy and power.

When you look at the energy of dandelion, she is a tough cookie. Have you ever tried to pull a dandelion, her roots extend far into the ground.It reminds me that dandelion is so useful for people who are very intense. These people are hard-working, over-stressed and many times very irritable. They cram too much into every day.  They need to learn to let go just like the puff ball of seeds that the dandelion has later on in the season.  Does this sound familiar??
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