Toni Nelson
Loved the photo. Spring for many means they start exercising more (bathing suit season). For others it means planting. This is my “spring” cleaning time.
Carolan Ross
Yes, springtime represents new beginnings much more so than January 1st, my favorite time of the year. Just last week we had a foot of snow here in the midwest US, yet tiny green buds are beginning to pop up, love it!
Bonnie Rogers
plant some pansy’s and it will make you smile. I did that this weekend. They are fine with snow. Get in your garden if you have one and plant some peas or snap peas. they like the cold and you’ll soon be pleasantly surprised by how fast they’ll grow
Paula Martin
Still waiting for spring to start here, as it’s been the coldest March on record in the UK! I’m looking forward to some balmy spring days instead of the bitter east wind we’ve had for over a week now!
Bonnie Rogers
In NY its been pretty cold and dreary also. Here’s to some wonderful spring weather coming your way.