What is Biomagnetism, aka Biomagnetic Pair Therapy?
Biomagnetism is a revolutionary, scientific, and therapeutic approach to wellness that supports homeostasis enhancing the body’s innate ability to heal.
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, or BioMagnetism,
is completely compatible with any other traditional or alternative modality, it may enhance the body's natural functions more profoundly than conventional medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicines, and other natural therapies.

It is a widely used medical strategy that strives to restore the body's natural state of balance between energy and matter, or "homeostasis." It involves applying specialized high-field strength magnets to very particular body parts with accuracy and perfect placement. The method involves figuring out where to apply magnets and how long to apply them using subjective biofeedback. We will use our clinical experience with thousands of clients to develop a Biomagnetic plan for your health challenges.
Magnetic Energy & Bonnie Rogers Biomagnetism Practitioner
Blog Talk Radio - Two Psychics - Ep37 - November 14, 2024
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Bonnie's interview starts at 32 min through 1 hr 7 min
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[00:00:02.700] - Michael Welcome to Two Psychics. This is Michael Edley, Evidential Medium and Mystic discussing all things spiritual.
[00:00:16.360] - Mary Hello, I'm Mary Amy of Two Psychics, an intuitive wisdom coach, tapping into your mystical life and sharing messages I receive about you.
[00:00:31.220] - Michael Good evening, all you amazing souls out here tonight. It's such a pleasure to be with you. Michael Edley, Psychic Media here, and it is November 14th. Wow, we're getting close. We're almost in that end of the year. So, I guess we are really in that end of the year cycle going into that holiday season. Cold weather is upon us. I had to turn my heat on finally the other day. Everybody in my house wears coats and sweaters, but I love it. I love this crisp air, this refreshed energy, I think, that we can be going into, and we can utilize that to manifest. I am here with my fantastic co-host, Mary Amy. How are you doing, Mary Amy?
[00:01:20.410] - Mary Hi, Michael. How are you?
[00:01:22.640] - Michael I am good. I am good. I'm still adjusting to these shorter days and this five o'clock, and it's getting dark here on the East Coast where you and I are. So, it's been a little bit of an adjustment, but I like the cooler weather and I like the crisp air, the fresh air. So, it's good. It's refreshing. It's a different shift that we're going into.
[00:01:45.360] - Mary Yes, I agree with you. And it's interesting. After last week's show, I completely lost my voice for a number of days, and I had all these different symptoms. I think my body has been detoxing emotionally, spiritually, physically. And here I am. I'm back. I'm getting my voice back now, so I sound a little odd maybe to the listeners, but I appreciate it. And regarding the change of time. It's interesting because I was having such a hard time getting up early in the morning prior to the daylight savings. And now I wake up at 6:00 and I feel refreshed, and I want to go outside and take a long walk. I'm having a different reaction. I'm also having a lot of ringing in my ears in the last few days. I think a lot of light is coming onto the Earth, and we're going through, as you say, another A new energy cycle.
[00:02:48.090] - Michael Yeah, it's a pretty good shift that we must just be very aware of our energy in these shifts. We have that, everyone talks about that 11/11 cycle. I mean, this is a cycle that goes well beyond that. We've got a lot of these very powerful full moons. We're going into that holiday season. We've just come out of this election cycle. There's a lot of shifting energy. And if we're not aware of that energy, we can get very caught up in it and it can make us feel very chaotic, very anxious. But when we can shift it, we can ground it, and we can positively flow through it, beautiful things can manifest from it. So it's very important to be aware of the energies internally, externally, We always talk about this, be aware of the energies around us, the environments, the people, the places, the things. And again, it's just a reminder, just be very mindful of the energies around us and how we're reacting to those energies. The mindful approach that we can't control those things outside of us, but we can control how we react to them. And it's just a reminder to try to stay in that empowered mindset, no matter what's going on or what energy cycle you feel is going on around you.
[00:04:00.000] - Michael So that's it. Stay mindful of that. And remember, you can't control the external, but you can control the internal and how you respond.
[00:04:08.320] - Mary I really appreciate this time of the year. It's all the holidays coming up. It's exciting and spending time with family members and friends. And we're embarking on a new year coming up. It's exciting. And there's so much going on in the physical reality right now in a positive way. And I think it's all about unity right now for me. And I've been reading that Course of Miracles, which is that spiritual guide, and we spoke about it a few episodes ago. And here we are. Let me just remind everyone today, it is episode 37 of Two Psychics, and it's about magnetic energy. Yes, yes, yes. And we have a guest tonight, Bonnie Rogers. And I'll explain before we bring her on at around 8:00. And Bonnie is a biomagnetism practitioner and clinical herbalist. Sorry about that. Sorry. And so we're going to bring Bonnie on, and then everyone who's holding, we're going to try to get to you to do readings and maybe even bring on a few callers, and maybe Bonnie can give some guidance. I'm going to try to do a visualization, and we're going to cover the topic tonight briefly because I'm not so sure about it, magnetic energy.
[00:05:41.320] - Michael It's a tongue twister, too. I'm just going to call it biomagnetic energy. It's very interesting and very fascinating. Again, it's something that I started delving into a little bit now since we're having Bonnie on the show. But it's amazing when you start researching it a little bit and you see how far back it goes and and all the different aspects to it. Very interesting.
[00:06:04.340] - Mary I must tell you, I shared with everyone last week that I had done this psychic event, and I was the guest psychic, and you do these events all the time. I know, Michael, you're a pro, pro, pro. I haven't done them for a bunch of years, so it's getting back into the swing of things. And my psychic abilities, my clairvoyance, my clairaudience, my clairsentience have all improved. And now I'm starting to in my daily life have these mini premonitions. And it is anything from a few minutes to a half an hour where I either have a vision about something or I know it is going to be said or it's going to take place with someone else or on my own. So, I really believe, and I'm sharing with everyone, that we're going to start to get all connected, and we are all going to start activating our clear senses. And I think with the energy coming onto the Earth, maybe there'll be this grand solar flash that comes, and everyone who's awakened will activate more of their DNA, their light body. And then those that have not awakened with the solar flash will awaken.
[00:07:19.850] - Mary And then we'll all come together. And here we are in a thousand years of peace and love.
[00:07:28.860] - Michael Yeah, it's definitely a time where we can come together. We can try to make new traditions. That's a cool thing that I've seen a lot of people starting to do. If what you've done as a kid, you can no longer do it. People have passed away. People have moved, different situations, different scenarios. I think it's a good thing for people to maybe start up their own traditions, no matter what that is. So a cool thing that I was involved in was Friends Thanksgiving, even though the Thanksgiving itself hasn't occurred, the Friends Thanksgiving did. And it's a cool thing that a good friend of mine started up several years ago and we gather and celebrate and just unwind, catch up. A lot of us haven't seen each other in some time. So, I think it's a good thing, yeah, to Try to connect, try to reconnect. If there's someone out there that keeps coming to you, their presence, that memory, whatever it is, that good time, and you're thinking about them, call, reach out. This is definitely a time where we need to be open to our intuition. Mary Amy talks about tapping into that, that clairsentience and our clairaudience, and all these psychic abilities start to open.
[00:08:40.180] - Michael Part of that process is not ignoring it, not discrediting it When it comes to us, when we get that premonition, when that vision comes to us, when that name, when that piece of insight and guidance comes through, absolutely utilize that and make some type of effort to go towards what you're being shown. What is that divine guidance trying to tell you? And if someone's coming to mind that you should reach out to or reconnect with, that's your guide, your collective trying to imprint some positive energy or shift in a situation. So be aware of that stuff, and it can come in many ways. So, Mary-Amy, you talk about this, almost like that reawakening that you went through. Did you start sensing more visions first, or were you getting just a psychic vibe, seeing things, hearing things? How did the shift start to unfold again in you? And what did you notice most significantly in that shift?
[00:09:39.480] - Mary I guess I can take it back to when I started really concentrating on before I'm going to sleep and I am paying attention to the sounds, like I say about your clairaudience, which after you've grounded yourself and you focus on your breath and you listen beyond the walls of the room and you start receiving information from an outside source, which is your clairvoyance, your clear senses. And so, I began not by choice. It just was obvious to me. I started really hearing this other frequency before I went to bed. So, when everything was quiet, I would hear this very strong frequency, and it was not a humming, but it was this tone. And then I would tune into the tone. And I think a few months ago, I mentioned this. And then when I tuned into the tone, spirits would come to me, different otherworldly beings would come to me, maybe angelic, maybe extraterrestrial. And then it would take me on some other dimension adventure, and then I'd fall off to sleep. I really was only doing that at night. And then I started being quiet during the day and listening to this tone.
[00:11:18.980] - Mary And when I listened to this tone, I started hearing what it interpreted to be, like what message they were sending. I thought it was another dimension of attention, but I think it might be like a transmission of information. And so, the next thing that happened was I started channeling this information and then writing it down and making a few posts. And with that, I have been weekly doing this radio show with you, and we've been taking callers, so I'm getting that aspect, which is the Claire audience. And then I did the psychic readings. So, I think all of it together is just putting me on another level. And, it's about acceptance. That's what it is, because in the last few weeks, I went through a transformation because I've been rejected over and over by this one person in my life that's been around my whole life. And then I finally came to terms with it. And instead of feeling shame or losing my self-confidence, I just accepted it and said, okay, I don't need to identify that as being unloved, and maybe that's part of it. I know this is a personal story, but I think it's about me accepting myself more so than more of my Claire's senses are coming through and they're more magnetized or They're expanded.
[00:13:02.570] - Michael Yeah, it was almost in that process of surrender. It's like you found yourself and you found that spot where you need to be. And it's interesting. I think that that really sums up a lot of what we all go through. There's a certain bias. We look at certain things from a certain perspective. And a lot of times once we can shift that or we surrender and we don't, I guess, focus so much on what had happened, then we can let go or we flow through it. And it's interesting. I heard someone talking about sitting with the emotions that you're feeling and allowing yourself to walk, flow through the emotion, not try to block it out, not try to jump around it. And it's almost like you wash through it. And your energy just washes through this emotion and processes it and feels it and reimagines how it is held in the body and how we can change and transmute that into a beautiful light or a beautiful energy that can uplift us. And it was just an interesting visual that I had hearing someone talk about flowing through and stepping into the emotion and almost like you're stepping through like a waterfall, a waterfall of energy stepping through and processing it and feeling it, but then releasing from it.
[00:14:24.590] - Michael So, it's interesting. And that's what came to me when you were speaking about that. It So it was just beautiful imagery around that. And I feel like that's when you were speaking, that's what the energy that you were releasing and processing and going through felt like to me.
[00:14:42.390] - Mary Well, thanks for sharing that. I want to add that it might be also, or it might addition to me expanding my abilities are in relation to this dream journal that I'm working on. Well, it's not a dream journal. And so, I'm going through all of these experiences that I've had with otherworldly beings, and I'm also illustrating it. So, it might be reminding me of everything and bringing it forward. And since I am speaking about dreams, I want to remind everybody that I have three books that you can find on Amazon, The White-Light Prophesy, Earthly and the Gemstones, and My Dream Journal. And you can find me on amymaryofficial.com. And Michael, share with everyone. Everyone can find you at michaeledley.com. And what are some upcoming events that you have or something you want to share with our listeners?
[00:15:46.080] - Michael Yeah, so michaeledley.Com, or you can go to my Facebook page, Eye of the spirits with Michael Edley. That'll have any events that are coming up. You can also message me through my website or through my Facebook page to set up any group reading, gallery, workshops, classes, anything that's going on. But it's all on the Facebook page, and that can bring you to anything I'm doing. I do have an event coming up. We are at the Garden State Distillery this Sunday. So, if you go to my Facebook page, if you're in the New Jersey area or want to travel in to the Jersey shore, this is the last event that we're doing there for the year. It's a cool thing where you can get a mini reading with me. There's a lot of other great practitioners you can experience. So Riki Energy Session, you get a free complimentary, alcohol or non-alcoholic drink from the distillery. It's a great environment. We're in downtown Tom's River. Cool little shops. We're right there by the water. It's going to be fun. I think we have 10 tickets left for that. But that's probably one of the last events you're going to be able to get me for that.
[00:16:51.620] - Michael There's still tickets available. Anything else? Most of the stuff through this year, I'm pretty booked out on, but I do have my album coming out, divine Journey of a Mystic Soul, and I can't wait. That's going to be coming out. I think it's in production right now, so they're producing it. So, I'm going to have physical and digital copies of the album, and it's a really cool journey. And I think it's a good thing for any practitioner, any medium, any psychic, anyone that just wants to sit with their energy and ground. It's a perfect thing. I have binoral tones. We're using frequencies to ground our energy to open and tune into that divine presence. So, it's a whole journey that I take you through, and I'm going to talk a lot more about it probably in the next week or two once it's a little closer to finalizing the production. But I'm hoping for the first week of December to do the launch. It's going to be on all major platforms. I'm very excited. I have worldwide distribution that's picked it up. So I'm going to be on every platform out there. Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, it's going to be everywhere.
[00:17:56.480] - Michael So stay tuned. I'm very excited.
[00:18:00.010] - Mary Oh, my gosh. I'm so excited for you, Michael. That's unbelievable. I can't wait to hear it. So let me share with everyone who our guest is, some information. Also, the topic, which is related to our guest, and remind next week, episode 36, November 21st, we have a topic of angels and guest, Jilly Clarke, Angelic Channeller. So tonight, our guest is Bonnie Rogers, and she is a biomagnetism practitioner and clinical herbalist. So magnetic energy, what exactly is this? And I have a brief content about this because I'm sure she's going to have more to tell us and you also, Michael. So magnetic energy, from what I found is each magnetic field contains energy. A magnetic field is generated by electric currents. Magnetic energy is the energy stored in a magnetic field, produced by moving electric changes or magnetic materials. Magnetic fields are generated by permanent magnets, electromagnetic and changing electric fields. Biomagnetism, which Bonnie is a practitioner, and she gave me a treatment I can briefly tell you, are magnetic fields produced by living things and organisms. Magnetic signals linked to electric from specific tissue or organs. All moving charge particles produce magnetic fields.
[00:19:35.610] - Mary Magnets are placed in specific areas of your body on the skin, a holistic approach to medicine. I received treatment a few weeks ago. I guess it was maybe three weeks ago from Bonnie or maybe a little bit longer than that. And my experience was excellent. And Bonnie lives in the same county as I am, and she asked my body questions, and in a nutshell, she placed many magnets on me. I don't know how many. I didn't count all different sizes. And The decisions to place them on those specific places on my skin were based on the answers to my questions, which were all about different ailments. Now, you do give her information about any ailment you have, and the responses she shared with me, some of what came through, and also, she receives information based on emotions. So, it's ailments plus emotions. And I'm not going to share what my ailments and emotions that came through, but I can tell you that it shows you where to place, I guess, intention, understanding. And I do believe that this helped me. In fact, I am encouraging people I know to have sessions with Bonnie.
[00:21:16.200] - Mary Do you want to share anything before I give a bio about her, about magnetic energy, Michael?
[00:21:22.040] - Michael Well, I think if we take a step back and we look at bio-biomagnetics, bio-magneticism, or it's a tongue twister there. So, we're just going to say we're going to go with biomagnetics. And it's interesting. I mean, you think about what's going on with us here in the northeast. We have all the migratory birds. And that's one thing they always talk about is the migratory birds, the waterfow, the ducks, the ducks, the ducks, flying south. They're using that biomagnetic energy to follow and guide them throughout the Earth's navigation. And that's what they use to orientate and navigate to their Southern destination where they're trying to get out of this cold weather that's upon us. And it's interesting because they say there's many different animals that utilize this. You look at not just the birds, but you can look at fish, amphibians, reptiles. So, there's a lot of animals that use this biomagnetic field to navigate and orientate their surroundings and their environment. So this is something that I guess we just have to take a step back and see how we can tune into it, because obviously, when we look at biomagnetics, we look at magnetics in general.
[00:22:36.080] - Michael I think it's another thing that was probably an ancient healing practice that was lost and we're regaining and relearning about it. It's interesting My experience, I had a friend who had a magnetic bracelet. And it's just this is just a side note. And I was having some pain in my wrist. I'm a musician, playing guitar, different things that I think I had played a lot, or I was writing a recording and it was feeling very tense and just very strained. And I was like, let me try that on. Is there really something to that? And sure enough, I did feel a release of the tension or the inflammation that was in that area. So, it was very interesting that that first-hand experience showed me, wow, there is something to this, and I felt it, I experienced it. So that must have been wild having the magnets, the magnets placed all over your body and experiencing that. And very interesting, I was reading just a little more into it today, just when we were doing a little research for the show and just seeing how they talk about the magnets being able to adjust the body's PH, bring your body more alkaline and how it can offset different acids in the body.
[00:23:50.220] - Michael And that's one thing they talk about with different cancer diagnosis. They say the cancer cells in a more alkaline system won't be able to reproduce and thrive. And they always talk about the body going to a more alkaline state for healing. And there's a lot to that. So, it was very interesting to me seeing that there's aspects of utilizing magnets for that. And it's interesting, too. They talk about using it for blood circulation. They say, obviously with magnets and someone that would have a pacemaker or some type of medical device, then you would have to be careful because you must worry about interference. I have as a disclaimer, talking about this and we're not medical professionals, but reading into it, it looks like it could be very, very positive for blood circulation. It also looks like it can do something to recharge the organs, too. So, it was interesting. If you feel there was stagnating energy or circulation through an organ, through the heart, through the kidneys, through the liver. I saw they're placing magnetic healing tools and there were a couple of different variations to it. And it looks like it eliminates the inflammation.
[00:25:02.300] - Michael It helps the circulatory system. It helps with many different aspects like fluids in the body, blood, everything moving and I guess flowing in a more stable manner. So, it was really interesting. It's something that I'm not familiar with. It's something that I haven't done a lot of research into. So, I'm really interested to see what Bonnie has to say about it and dig into this a little deeper and get some of her experiences. I'm really intrigued to even try it myself. I know we have talked about your experience with it and it's very interesting.
[00:25:38.670] - Mary Yeah, I stand by and encourage others to have a session. Bonnie also can do remote. You don't have to be there with her. She'll explain it to you tonight, but she has mannequins or some, yeah, that replaces it. It's very, and there's a lot of intuitive abilities coming through with Bonnie because you can't do remote unless you're intuitive.
[00:26:13.480] - Michael I think a lot of natural healers, when they tune in to psychic abilities and awareness, it guides us all in different ways. I think for some people it guides them into understanding herbs and biomagnetism in a different way and really seeing the energy aspects of it. And so, it's interesting. That's why I tell anyone and everyone that's listening, even if you don't want to be on the radio like two psychics and do readings and show people that these abilities in the spiritual realm exist, just to utilize this understanding of energy and psychic abilities and our clear senses. It can help you in any aspect of your life and anything you're doing. So, anyone out there that's like an entrepreneur, anyone that's helping to coordinate something, a nonprofit, some business venture, you want to create, you're an artist, a musician, a designer, whatever it may be. When you tap into these psychic abilities, you tap into that intuitive world that exists all within and then that energetic realm that's around us, it completely shifts your perspective of seeing everything. It gives you insight and guidance that you would never tap into just living in this physical existence alone.
[00:27:28.840] - Michael You might get glimpses of it, but when you truly tune into it, you open to it and you surrender, like we were talking about earlier, Maryam, you're surrendering to this, it's surrendering to the divine, surrendering to that power within, surrendering to that soul's calling, it shifts everything. And I think it opens and tunes us into healing, the other healing modalities that maybe we wouldn't have come across or found. Something brings it into our awareness, and it shifts. And so that's what I tell everyone is just tune in, tune into this, utilize it and let it help manifest your full potential. Whatever that is, if that's doing a combination of healing through herbs and sound and vibrations and magnets or doing it in readings and bringing healing to a grieving parent through a message from a child in spirit or however, we could do this. There's many ways and many different ways to utilize it. But it's all truly for healing. It's all for love. It's all grounded in that positive energy of the divine pushing us forward in the most beautiful way. And we just have to quiet down and surrender. And I think, like you say, she's got to be tapping into her psychic abilities and her intuitive abilities on a deep level to be doing this at the level she's doing it.
[00:28:47.660] - Michael And I think that goes for anyone, whether it's a musician or an artist just creating the most beautiful music or the most beautiful masterpieces, paintings or whatever it may be, buildings, a sculpture, whatever that may be to you and whatever that divine, artistic channeled beauty can be, when we tap into that, it just shifts everything. It just shifts everything. And what's interesting, Mary-Amy, is one thing I noticed is if I find that anyone that's tapping into this, it always opens and expands our path. And it's funny. And I think it sometimes can make us a little unnerving because it may be pushing us into something that we're not sure about or we have to learn or we have to, hey, am I going to be able to do this? And it happens with everything. And even a shift, I think to myself as a kid, I loved art and then shifting the music and then shifting the other understandings. But it's when we tap into this, great things can come from it no matter what it is, music, art, healing, magnetic practitioner, whatever it is. Wouldn't you agree?
[00:29:57.730] - Mary Well, I do believe that we are trying something new and taking yourself out of an energetic pattern that you've been in. And I've been doing that lately. I've been spending more time taking walks. And like I said, I'm working on new projects and trying new things and not giving up and having consistency. Maybe add a new group of people into your life. Have a session with something that you've been thinking about, a different alternative, a medicine, a practitioner, whether it's biomagnetism, acupuncture, a psychic or a medium, something physical, fitness-wise. It's all positive. And also, your, even your intention matter. Your thoughts matter. I always say thoughts are very powerful thoughts, words, and actions. And I don't know. I think it's time now for everyone to start to tune inward and to activate all of their clairsentient senses. Let me give you a little bio about Bonnie, and we'll bring her right on. Absolutely. That sounds good. Bonnie Rogers, a biomagnetism practitioner and clinical herbalist. So biomagnetism helps you balance your body and feel amazing. Think about how acupuncturists place needles in specific on the body to work on a specific issue. During a session of biomagnetism, this is what Bonnie says, I use pairs of magnets which are placed on the body to create homeostasis.
[00:31:43.200] - Mary Magnets are placed on a specific location on the body to create energy movements which restore balance and allow the body to heal naturally. We are using our body's natural ability to restore balance and allow the body to heal itself of discomfort, soreness, and remove disease. This work is done both in person and remotely. Now, while you are hearing Bonnie describe her practice, and we give her some questions, and we have a conversation, you can look her up. Her website is Bonnie, bonniesherbals.com. And if you go to this page here on blog talk radio, Two Psychics, you can find more information about Bonnie. And you can also find Bonnie on social media, on Instagram and also on Facebook. Okay, so she's been in the green room, and I'm going to bring her on.
[00:32:39.840] - Bonnie Rogers Can you hear me?
[00:32:41.140] - Michael Hi. You can hear you, Bonnie. How are you?
[00:32:44.490] - Bonnie Rogers I'm Good. How are you guys?
[00:32:46.360] - Michael We are doing well. We are doing good. You're coming to us from New York, too, like Mary-Amy, is that correct?
[00:32:54.200] - Bonnie Rogers I am.
[00:32:54.990] - Michael All right. We're all enjoying this wonderful cool East Coast weather.
[00:32:59.870] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah, I'm not ready for it.
[00:33:02.460] - Michael I don't think any of us are. I like those hot summers. No, very cool. So, I'm so intrigued by your story and what you're doing and utilizing these nontraditional healing methods. And I think that's one thing that Mary and I find fascinating is when people can utilize their psychic ability. That's one thing we were talking about is how much she was saying you You must be utilizing your intuition and have been guided divinement through this and to utilize and connect all these things. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Is that true? Do you feel divinally guided?
[00:33:41.630] - Bonnie Rogers Yes. You don't have to have that. When I was trained on it, I just went the route that we're going. And when I first learned it was about working directly on people, not doing virtual work. And I'm using the feet, doing muscle testing on the feet. But what I discovered after working for a couple of months doing that is that when I was going to get a yes, I felt it in my gut before my hands even moved in that position for a yes answer. Just like with a pendulum, with muscle testing, you're always looking for a yes or no answer. So, when I work on the feet, I'm looking for a shortening of the muscles on one foot.
[00:34:28.470] - Michael Okay, that's interesting. And now, have you utilized a very specific system? If you were to do that now, was it like an unfolding and a learning over a period of time, or did you immediately know, Hey, this is yes, this is no?
[00:34:40.040] - Bonnie Rogers No. I learned about biomagnetism through a friend of mine, and I was on a Zoom call with another that he uses, and he had sent us this magnet package because he wanted us to sell it. But I didn't know anything about it. But I was having a problem with my arm. I couldn't lift my arm up past where my shoulder was. I couldn't lift my arm up over my head. And I sleep with my arm under my pillow. And what was happening is I'd fall asleep for the first hour, and then I would wake up in so much pain. I would have to go downstairs to the recliner chair and sleep on that all the way back because there was no pressure on my arm. And this was four months later, my husband was not happy. And I ended up being on this Zoom call and saying to this guy, is there any way that I can use these magnets to help shift this pain? I think it's coming from my neck based on X-rays and stuff that I had had. I put these magnets in the place that he told me to that night, and he said, just call me in a few days.
[00:35:46.380] - Bonnie Rogers The first night I put them on, I slept all night in my bed, and it continued after that. And after a while, I didn't have to keep putting the magnets on. I thought, I need to learn about this. I need to see where he learned from. I discovered that his teacher actually is located in New Jersey, and he does training sessions there. And there was a training session six weeks later, and I was able to get a spot in it, and it just changed my life.
[00:36:13.130] - Michael That's awesome. Now, as far as incorporating that with the herbal medicine, do you find they work synergistically together, and one will help magnify the other?
[00:36:26.720] - Bonnie Rogers Now that I'm using my pendulum and muscle testing, that when I'm working on someone, I can ask about certain herbs to be used, whether the body needs them or not, and how much I should use and how much not. I would always tell my clients, for example, I would make up a custom texture for them, and they would say, well, how much should I take each day or how many times a day? And I say, well, I don't know, maybe today you need to have it twice a day, two droppers each. And they will, what about tomorrow? I go, you need to test yourself. And so, I would teach them how to do muscle testing with your body, where you're standing up and you ask the question either out loud or your head, if I'm a pendulum, what's my yes? Many people go forward when you do that. Many people go backwards. So, you have to ask the question, just like you always ask a question to the pendulum, showing me my yes before you start working each day. Because it could change.
[00:37:21.200] - Michael Can you take us through that? Would you have someone sitting down? Because for our listeners out there that are envisioning that, what is the process of doing the testing?
[00:37:30.640] - Bonnie Rogers So, if you stand up, you can all stand up, and you can literally just stand in a relaxed, tai chi type of a position and ask in your head, if I'm a pendulum, show me my yes. Some people will go forward, some people will go side to side, some backward. Everybody's different. See what it says. And then you can ask the question, if I'm a pendulum, what's my no? So I use this all the time. I'll go into a supermarket, maybe I'll pick up the kale and think to myself, should I have this today? And I'll feel my body going no, or I'll feel it going yes. And it doesn't mean I should never have it because you can take it. Can I eat this at all? And it may be that my body wants to have spinach that day.
[00:38:12.420] - Michael Wow, that's pretty amazing.
[00:38:16.350] - Bonnie Rogers Can you feel your body doing that?
[00:38:18.410] - Michael Yeah, that's interesting because being a medium, I'll notice certain things like that in my body's reacting, and I had to start paying more attention to it. And it's very interesting. You are talking about that, it's actually showing me a whole new perspective on the energy and how the body can be affected by the energy. Wow, that's really fascinating.
[00:38:39.270] - Bonnie Rogers I came home from an herbal conference many years ago learning this, but they didn't tell me to ask what my yes or no was. They assumed everybody's yes was forward and everybody's no was back. And I came in and I said to my husband, I learned this strange technique. Let's try it on you. Close your eyes, stand in the kitchen, and I'm going to hand you something, and I want you to feel, to ask your body if this is good for me. Now, he almost flew off the back of his feet. Oh, wow. He said to me, Did you give me cheese? And he's allergic to cheese. And I said, no, I gave you white breadcrumbs. Nobody should have white breadcrumbs. That's pretty wild. So, he does this all the time. He'll take supplements and he'll move them around and face the labels the other way, and he'll pick them up to see if he has a cold, if he should take vitamin C or quercetin or whatever it is, and he'll see what his body does. And that's how he takes his supplements.
[00:39:31.060] - Michael You just gave me a whole new routine for my morning.
[00:39:35.950] - Bonnie Rogers Remember, we don't always need to have everything every day.
[00:39:39.340] - Michael No, that's awesome, though. I mean, that gives you another tool that could be very significant and allows your body to guide and direct where you need to be.
[00:39:49.210] - Bonnie Rogers And you can also, if you don't physically have that item in it, let's just say somebody told you to take vitamin C or Ivermectin or whatever it might be, you can write it on a piece of paper, hold that in your hand, and ask the same question. Because it's energy. It's all energy. Just like you do energy work, magnets are energy. So, when you were talking a lot about magnets, that's not the work I do.
[00:40:16.420] - Michael Okay. Yeah.
[00:40:16.820] - Bonnie Rogers Can you give us a little- For years, people have been talking about magnets and using magnetic bracelets, or there's a company called Nikin, and they had things you could put on your bed, all kinds of things. That's magnets. Okay. And that's It plays a place also. What this is, is a lot of times people call it biomagnetic pairing. Every magnet I put on the body is in a pair.
[00:40:39.220] - Michael Okay.
[00:40:40.990] - Bonnie Rogers For example, if there's trauma, somebody sprained their ankle, or they banged into something or whatever. I'm asking the question, is it a trauma level one through six? And if it's trauma level one, it's going to be I'm going to place a red magnet on the trauma and a black magnet on the bladder. And if it's a three, I'm going to put on the bladder and then the kidneys. And then if it can go up to six in other spots that I put them on. And what it's doing is draining whatever's going on in that trauma out. So, bladder, kidney, think about it, it's all about draining water because you're moving ions in the body and electrons. And it's very interesting because when I first learned, I didn't learn about doing virtual work. And then somebody else I knew that did this work said to me, Bonnie, you can do this on anyone, anywhere. And I'm like, okay, teach me. And he showed me how to do this. And I was like, oh, my God, this is amazing. So, I ended up buying a mannequin. Now you can take a piece of paper, and you can make a body on it and you can put a red spot on or a black spot.
[00:41:58.280] - Bonnie Rogers It doesn't really have to be a magnet because its energy. It's magnetic energy, and you're visualizing it.
[00:42:04.860] - Michael That's fascinating. So, you're literally manipulating the body's energy to what it needs, what it needs or to what it would be releasing.
[00:42:12.170] - Bonnie Rogers I'm using specific magnets. I might be using double magnets for a certain thing. But I have a mannequin that I painted with magnetic paint. It's a primer. And so, I can literally just put those magnets right on this mannequin. It's a full-size mannequin. And I smudge it first and I visualize it's that person. And from that, I placed them on there and let them sit this in the amount of time I need them for. And It's very cool. It's like a friend of mine who lives in North Carolina. When I first started doing this work, she was having a bad allergy attack. And I said to her, do you want me to try and place magnets here for you and see what happens? I had no idea if it would work. And I said to her, just keep a tissue box with you because you're going to probably have lots of phlegm coming out of your body. And call me tonight and let me know how you feel. And she called me up and she said, Oh, my God. I went through a whole tissue box, but I feel amazing. Her allergy symptoms didn't come back the entire allergy season.
[00:43:23.680] - Bonnie Rogers And then she texted me, I don't know, maybe a month later, at 10:00 at night, and I was watching some stupid TV, and she said to me, A friend of mine who's a pastor needs to go traveling. He has gout. Can you help him? And I'm like, well, I don't know, but get his permission for me to work in his energy field, and I will see what I can do. And she sent me a text back a little while later and said, you have his permission. And so, I went and did 10 minutes. It was 10:00 at night. I wasn't in a mindset to work. And I did a session the next morning, and he called her up about four o'clock that afternoon, and he said, I don't know what your friend did, but I have no more pain, and I feel amazing. I never had to do another session on him.
[00:44:12.020] - Michael Wow. So that was it. It was healed.
[00:44:14.050] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah. And I had somebody in Florida who... She called me up. She found me on some website, and she called me up and she says, I have gallstones. Do you think you can help me with this? And I can't guarantee anything because you never know. And I said, maybe. Let's do a couple of sessions. I did a couple of sessions. And then a few months later, she called me. She says, “Can you FaceTime? I'm like, Yeah, sure. I was on vacation. And she said, I just went for an ultrasound, and they don't understand where the gallstones are. Oh, wow. I said, I don't know, must be magic. They're not going to understand what I'm doing. But yeah, it's crazy. I had somebody who didn't have to go on dialysis. And I gave them some herbs also.
[00:45:02.970] - Michael Do you find that depending on the ailment, it'll take X number of sessions or something in the first session? What do you think the variables are all around it?
[00:45:12.280] - Bonnie Rogers I asked the question afterwards. How many more sessions should I do or how many times do these things need to be repeated? So, if there's certain pathogens I find, I'll ask, does this have to be? And I might get, repeat this every month, once a month. I may I have one that, repeat it daily for seven days.
[00:45:35.650] - Michael Okay, so it's very specific to each case that you're working on.
[00:45:39.330] - Bonnie Rogers And a lot of times I just create a code for the whole session and see if I need to place it again.
[00:45:45.230] - Michael Oh, wow.
[00:45:46.410] - Mary What about me, Bonnie? It's Mary.
[00:45:49.990] - Michael Now we get to dig in, Mary. Amy's energy field.
[00:45:53.500] - Bonnie Rogers I don't think you needed to do any… I think I tested your stuff. I don't think you needed to do any repeat.
[00:45:59.280] - Mary You would have me, I think.
[00:46:01.050] - Bonnie Rogers I would have told you.
[00:46:02.110] - Mary You would have told me?
[00:46:03.670] - Bonnie Rogers Yes.
[00:46:04.610] - Mary Okay, good news. Good news. That's good news. No, but I mean, honestly, I thought it was… Look, I think it was very beneficial. I still sense that I'm still detoxing from whatever is within my body.
[00:46:22.320] - Bonnie Rogers And a lot of times, as you experience the next day or two, you can get what they call a healing crisis in any type of medicine. And you got really sick the day after. Yeah, I did. So like two days. Yeah. And you felt like crap. And you're like, oh, my God. And then suddenly, I think I talked to you maybe that Monday. I think you were here on Friday. I spoke with you on Monday. You were like, I feel amazing now. Oh, my God. I thought this weekend, I was dying. It's interesting because even my granddaughter, my daughter called me up one day last year, and she said, I have to go pick up my daughter at school, and she has pink eye, which is conjunctivitis. Can you help her? I'm like, I don't know. Maybe. I placed three pairs of magnets on this mannequin. She lives in New Jersey. And she came home, fell asleep, and woke up a few hours later, and it was gone. I don't know. Did I help her? Maybe. There's no guarantee of anything, but She had to stay home from school the next day because that's the school's thing.
[00:47:36.940] - Bonnie Rogers But she felt fine.
[00:47:41.060] - Michael Do you see that normally, that will people go through some type of detox, or does it really vary on the person?
[00:47:46.990] - Bonnie Rogers It really varies on the person. I find that maybe 20 % go through a detox. Okay. Yeah. I have a client who half the time she gets detoxed stuff and half the time she doesn't. When you talk about biomagnetism, it's about looking at pathogens in the body. So, whether those pathogens are viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, you may be able to clear them. Most of them, you can clear using the magnets. And you don't have to use all the antibiotics and toxic drugs that pharma is trying to give us, the doctors are trying to give us. For me, it's about helping to create more of a sense of the body healing itself, rebalancing itself with the magnets.
[00:48:48.060] - Michael Yeah, not having a three-page list of side effects and all these things that could happen. Yeah, it's amazing. Now, do you feel this is like an old, old healing modality that we're relearning? How long has this been around that you're aware of?
[00:49:04.320] - Bonnie Rogers Well, from what I was told, there's a doctor, his name was Dr. Goiz. He's now passed away. He's from Mexico. And he started realizing that if you placed one magnet on a body, one leg was shortened. And if he placed a corresponding correct magnet on, the legs would balance. And I do this a lot of times when I'm looking for personal pairs for people. I have lists of different pairs that have been tested by other people. I have lists of them that I test on everybody. I test them, it’s a big long lists about 15 pages of pairs. Then I might say, is there a personal pair? And I have a sheet that shows, I'll say, is it the black magnet in the head, the neck, the thorax, blah, blah, blah. And then it's broken down like there are 40 spots on the head, it could be. And I've usually placed the black magnet on the body, and I watch the legs change. And then I test for the red magnet, and if I get the right one, the legs are totally balanced, but without me doing anything. And sometimes I'll have a mother or a brother or a husband watching, and they laugh.
[00:50:22.400] - Bonnie Rogers They just start laughing when they... I'll go watch this. And it's interesting.
[00:50:29.670] - Michael And what do you think is occurring now? Is the body on an energetic level shifting?
[00:50:35.600] - Bonnie Rogers It's rebalancing. Because all those personal pairs that we find, all the pairs that I tested were personal pairs one day. And somebody said, oh, I always get this pair when they have, let's just say, a cold, regular common cold. And I always get that pair when someone has a cold. So, we're going to take that pair and put it on the list and say, This pair, the person probably has a common cold.
[00:51:23.880] - Bonnie Rogers Dr Goiz started this whole thing. Then my teacher, his name is Dr. Garcia, and And he's a medical doctor, and he studied medicine in Columbia. And he had learned about this, I think, in medical school, not in medical school, but while he was in Mexico, Columbia, whatever. And he ended up going and studying with this guy and finding that he was getting better results using the magnets than he was doing traditional medical work. So, he started doing more and more testing, and he's the one who made all these lists that I use. He's amazing. On my website, bonniesherbals.com/magnets. Com/magnets, I have two of his videos on there, and he's got a lot of videos on YouTube that people can go in and look at if they want to learn more. It's magical. Since I started doing this, I'm barely doing herbalism because this is just so much more fun for me.
[00:52:28.600] - Michael Do you see results way quicker with the biomagnetism versus what you were seeing with the herbs? I do. Okay.
[00:52:36.580] - Bonnie Rogers Well, it depends. I still do herbal medicine, but not as much. I find I do both a lot of times. It's pretty interesting because the shifts in people are crazy. It was like when I first started doing this, I wasn't charging at all. I had all my friends coming in, so I could get to feel. It's like, you don't become a doctor without doing an internship. I needed to really practice.
[00:53:05.480] - Michael They were the guinea pigs?
[00:53:07.280] - Bonnie Rogers They were my guinea pigs, yes. And one of the women who came in who understands all the energy stuff. She has one of the energy enhancement systems, and she told me a few little things that were going on, and I tested for her and I said to her, Did you ever have shingles? And she's like, How did you know that? I go, Your body just told me that. She's like, I did. I like two years ago, and every morning I wake up and my whole cheek buzzes. I said, Well, I'm going to place the pair for shingles and let me know How you feel? Starting the next day, she never had that pain again. I never had to do another session on her. That was pretty cool.
[00:53:56.130] - Michael Now, would there be a certain situation at this Is there a point where you would recommend herbs and what would they be? Absolutely.
[00:54:04.410] - Bonnie Rogers If somebody, for example, has the flu, I'm going to probably do a remote session for them because I don't need to have those pathogens coming into my home. I work out of my home. But I would probably, as I'm testing, test all kinds of herbs, see what they need. And I'm testing with a pendulum.
[00:54:28.670] - Michael Now, do you find in general, certain herbs, there's a lot of correlation, and there's a lot of common herbs that would keep coming up. Is there something that you would say, hey, if you're sick, this might be a good thing to check out or try, without even doing the energy testing?
[00:54:46.390] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah. I mean, even now, I tell people, If you're going to be around a lot of people that are sick, use elderberry syrup a couple of times a week. Just keep your immune system strong. And all kinds of different things. Make sure you keep your body clean, stop eating all the sugar, keep your immune system strong, drink a lot of water, all those basic things that some people think are basic and some people think are crazy.
[00:55:17.710] - Michael Yeah. The elderberry is interesting. It's good. I always take it during the cold season. I have my elderberry, and I think it works well.
[00:55:29.550] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah. You Can make your own elderberry.
[00:55:32.270] - Mary So, Bonnie, when I had this session, I had my eyes closed. So now I'm remembering this session with you, and I have a couple of questions.
[00:55:44.570] - Bonnie Rogers Okay.
[00:55:45.150] - Mary Okay, when you were placing the magnets, you placed two magnets on either side. So, let's say you're putting them on my shoulder, you put one on my shoulder, on one my right shoulder, and one on my left shoulder. Is that how it is?
[00:56:01.550] - Bonnie Rogers Sometimes the pair might be right shoulder and left shoulder. It might be kidney, kidney, but it also might be heart and liver. It might be kidney and anything, kidney and spleen, or it could be a million different things, depending on what you tested for. A lot of them will be scapula, scapula, kidney, kidney, but probably, I don't know, maybe 40 % are pairs or like that, and the others aren't.
[00:56:37.750] - Mary So, I'm just wondering, I'm just trying to make sense of how this works because I know it works. But is it that when you have them, like one at opposite ends of you or whatever it is, is it forcing some clear line and pulling out what's between the two magnets?
[00:57:00.760] - Bonnie Rogers It's moving ions, and I can't remember the name, just different parts of the electrical system. And when they get together, they create water. And so, you're pulling the stuff out through the water in the body, which is why I said to you, you're going to probably urinate a lot that day.
[00:57:23.470] - Mary Right.
[00:57:24.770] - Bonnie Rogers Okay. And you're putting things on bladder and kidneys and vagina or testicles, and you're moving things out of the body so that they're there because you don't want them to hide again. Because a lot of these things aren't, for example, I find rabies in 50 % of people who have animals. And most of that... And some people will say, I don't have an animal. Well, you might have been near a person walking their dog, and the dog got a rabies shot and they were shed on from that dog. Oh, wow.
[00:58:02.310] - Michael So, you can literally be removing this on a cellular level, and then it's basically the body excreting it and releasing it how it can make it, urine. Oh, wow. Okay.
[00:58:13.440] - Bonnie Rogers It's like A story I tell people is there's a gentleman who was young, he's a 22-year-old boy, and he took the same program I did. And he called me up one day and he said, Can I come up for a session? I'm like, Yeah, sure. He walks into my house. Now, he's a 22-year-old boy, and he walks in, and he says to me, Bonnie, my testicles hurt. I don't know what it's from. I just looked at him and I said, Did you have too much sex or not enough? And he said, no, this has nothing to do with... He's a 22-year-old boy. My kids are way older than him. And he laughed. He says, no, this has nothing to do with it. I said, “Get on the table”. I start doing a session, and what I notice is I get... As I'm going through the vaccines, I'm getting mumps. And mumps for men is a problem a lot of times. Because it does create problems with the testicles. And I said to him, I got your answer. He says, What happened? I said, You were in a store. Some kid just got an MMR vaccination.
[00:59:11.760] - Bonnie Rogers You picked up the mumps part of it, and we're going to clear it now. By the time he walked off that table, he had no pain in his testicles anymore, and it never came back. But he probably wouldn't think in his head, MMR, because he was 22, and he probably doesn't know about some of these vaccines that the kids get, which they shouldn't, but that's a whole other story.
[00:59:34.320] - Michael Now, do you find certain things will release easier than others? Certain things we can literally absorb easier?
[00:59:41.810] - Bonnie Rogers I think with anything. I mean, I was working on somebody with cancer today. Will one session make a difference? I don't know yet.
[00:59:50.080] - Michael Now, so question, having your background and understanding the energy and the herbal aspects of it, it It's very unnerving to me to think that I could be going through some public space, and I could be picking up and absorbing a spike protein or- Well, that's what happened. Yeah, some shedding. Now, is there anything from your experience and your background that I could do preventatively to try to- Well, it's just like you probably do when you're working on a client as a psychic.
[01:00:23.940] - Bonnie Rogers You create a bubble, white bubble, white light, or green light, or pink light, or whatever light resonates with you and with the intention that whatever I have in my body stays within that bubble and that anybody's other stuff bounces right off. Okay. So if you can create that, find the light that will resonate with you and create that light, that bubble that you walk through. It's like I was talking to someone the other day and I said, you know those bubbles that people go in and it's like a big plastic thing and they roll down the hill?
[01:00:57.310] - Michael Create that bubble around you with energy. That's a great vision Yeah, definitely.
[01:01:01.610] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah, this is a client that I see a lot, and she's like, Oh, my God, that's a great visual. I'm going to do that.
[01:01:13.790] - Michael Yeah. No, it is interesting. I've had that experience myself being in a large audience or a large gathering doing a workshop or some medium-shaped stuff or even musical stuff that I do. I found myself feeling very run down. And then when you start researching spike proteins or shedding or all these different things, there's something to it.
[01:01:38.500] - Bonnie Rogers And there's definitely- I mean, think of all those young women or older women who started getting heavy menstrual cycles. Women that are in the '80s started cycling, and it was like crazy with the COVID crap.
[01:01:52.700] - Michael It happens.
[01:01:56.010] - Bonnie Rogers It's energy moving, and we all know about energy.
[01:01:59.210] - Michael We don't want some exactly. Yeah. And that's what we talk about, being aware of the energy so we know what we're absorbing and what we're not. Yeah.
[01:02:10.650] - Bonnie Rogers And magnets are energy. The whole world is magnetic, okay? So, we walk on a magnetic world. Our body has a ton of magnetism in our body. It holds it together. It's just how life works. And so, we can move energy just like you can move energy.
[01:02:34.410] - Michael Now, is this something that... Do you always find yourself sitting there placing magnets on yourself and doing different things? Or is it like- If I think I need them, For example, I got a crazy call on Monday night for my daughter.
[01:02:51.670] - Bonnie Rogers I thought she was in a car accident when she called. She was screaming and blah, blah, blah. She ended up walking with the recycling down the front steps of her house, and I think she missed the last step. She didn't fall, but she landed on her ankle. When we ran over there, she only was a couple of miles away from me. And immediately, I walked in there, I threw Arnica in her mouth. I put homeopathic stuff on her ankle. I put magnets on her, and then we went to urgent care.
[01:03:20.350] - Michael Okay.
[01:03:23.890] - Bonnie Rogers And it's sprained. I knew it wasn't broken before. As I was driving up to our house, I knew it wasn't broken. I was doing kinesiology with my fingers, my two fingers. I was just doing muscle testing. So, I knew it was a sprain, but she needed to get an X-ray, just like I probably would have wanted to get an X-ray, even though I would probably know it wasn't broken. So, it wasn't. And I put her on a bunch of stuff. And sorry, sprains take longer than bone breaks a lot of times to heal.
[01:03:57.160] - Mary Bonnie, does it matter what someone's belief system is, if they believe in this or they don't believe in it, does that make a difference in how the outcome of the session goes?
[01:04:10.380] - Bonnie Rogers I think some people can repel it if they choose to, or they can say, I don't know if this will work. Let's give it a go. I mean, I found people who I've worked on had eczema on their hands and then all of a sudden it disappeared. Did I do it? Maybe because it would happen right after. I've had people with eczema that it hasn't helped. But it all depends on what else is going on in the body at the time. I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff.
[01:04:54.630] - Michael I might actually have to refer a couple of people I know to you. I know a few people. Thank you. No, I I know a few people that are that are going through some weird situations with them or someone close to them where they are going undiagnosed or can't figure out what's going on and people that are having major gastrointestinal issues or different things like that. And I find it fascinating that this may be something that, hey, if the traditional medical system can't figure it out, why not give something like this a try and see if you're going to have a breakthrough with it? So, yeah, this is, I'm really found. I'm fascinated by it.
[01:05:29.830] - Bonnie Rogers I just find it fascinating, and I use it all the time. I always have magnets with me when I travel or when I always have magnets with me. Magnets and masking tape.
[01:05:42.540] - Michael Always.
[01:05:43.120] - Bonnie Rogers Because if they're on my mannequin, that's easy. But if I'm putting them on you, I need to put masking tape on you.
[01:05:49.580] - Michael Yeah. And now, how many magnets? How many magnets do you have? Do you have a few types of magnets? I have a lot. Okay. Yeah.
[01:05:58.930] - Bonnie Rogers It was There's a young woman who just did his online course, and I do a support group for biomagmetism practitioners, and she was saying she was going to get all these medium-sized ones. I'm like, don’t just get medium-sized magnets. Get the little, tiny ones, too. She's like, why? I say, Well, you don't want to put big, huge magnets on your face. You want little magnets on your face. The face is a small surface area. And if you put those big ones on the abdomen when you and you do a lot of magnets on the abdomen, they'll all stick together. You need to use these small ones or the mini ones. And so, then she was very happy that I told her that she needed to have a lot of magnets. She said, I was doing a session on myself, and I found like 100 pairs. I don't have 100 pairs. I said, then do the first 15 or 20 pairs, leave on for 15 minutes, and then do the next set when you have time. She's got a whole bunch of kids. So, I said, When you have time, do the next set, and then do the next set, and just keep doing them.
[01:07:03.400] - Bonnie Rogers I like having a lot, so I don't have to do multiple sets. But sometimes when I'm doing sessions in person, and I'm doing COVID, and I'm doing malaria, and I'm doing a bunch of other things that have 10 to 15 pairs of magnets for the one pathogen, I'll have to put them on. And then when I finally am ready to run out of magnets, I'll take them all off, and I'll continue When you're doing more, not do a second session. No, it's not a second session. It's just more time. That's all.
[01:07:37.110] - Michael How long would you say a session is? Look at that. We are two psychics, and we're saying that together at the same time.
[01:07:43.830] - Mary Did you just say that?
[01:07:45.030] - Michael That was how long is the session? I was just saying, asking the same question.
[01:07:47.710] - Mary How long is the session? We both said, “That’s good. So, we're on the same wavelength. We are.
[01:07:51.870] - Bonnie Rogers That's so funny. Usually, my sessions are an hour and a half.
[01:07:55.810] - Mary That's what I thought. Because I have a couple of people, and you know that. I gave them your info, and they said, oh, by the way, I'll just tell you cryptically, Bonnie, next week, about what we talked about today. Yeah. Okay. So, question, Bonnie, can we bring on a caller or two and It seems to me I'm starting to get the inclination that you're a medical intuitive. You're knowing things before they're about to happen, whatever, or you know what's going on.
[01:08:24.380] - Bonnie Rogers But I'm not a medical intuitive. I'm not like Caroline Mias, who just knows it. I have friends that can do that, but I can't. Okay. I should never say I can't.
[01:08:36.510] - Michael It might be in there, though. I'm not aware of it right now.
[01:08:38.890] - Mary The psychics are saying so. Okay, let's bring on this. We've had a lot of people holding. This person has been holding the longest. Let's bring them on. Now, I didn't screen the call. We're just blindly seeing what they have to say, and maybe you can guide them into something and we can all give some input. Here we Hi, this is Mary, Michael, and Bonnie. Who's this?
[01:09:06.360] - Michele This is Michelle, and I'm calling from Florida.
[01:09:10.190] - Michael Hi, Michelle. What's up, Michelle? Is that Michelle with one L or two L?
[01:09:13.280] - Michele One L.
[01:09:14.520] - Michael One L, all right.
[01:09:17.170] - Michele Excellent. I haven't talked to you all in a while, and it's been real interesting listening to you all the night, but I did have a question, if that's okay? Sure.
[01:09:27.900] - Michael Yeah, absolutely.
[01:09:30.840] - Michele Well, I met somebody, but that person was just using me for a piece, you know what I mean? And then just out of the blue, somebody from where I had my boat at, four years ago, we got friends on Facebook. He was just going to do work on my boat, and we just stayed friends on Facebook. And he just out of the blue, yesterday, he was farting with me, and then He's like, Well, you could come down here, and I can come down there, and we can go back and forth, and I'll be right in there with you. And he was just really flattered. So I'm not sure if I'm attracted to him or not. I love his smile. He's a bigger guy, which I like that, but he's a little bit bigger than I normally date. But there's something about him that I like. I can't figure it out, but he makes me laugh. So I just wonder what you see about this because he's in Indiana and I'm in Florida.
[01:10:35.010] - Michael Interesting. So now, I think this might be more of a two psychics, Mike and Michelle. But, Bonnie, is this something that- What do you get from this? Any Is it the magnet that we can key into? No, this is a psychic thing.
[01:10:48.980] - Bonnie Rogers She wants to know if you think they can connect.
[01:10:51.400] - Michael Yeah. All right. So what do you got on this, Mary?
[01:10:55.520] - Mary Okay. So right off the bat, I heard birds, and then later it came through love birds. So I knew there was something romantic coming. And fairies. So fairies are romantic and sweet and lovely. And I do sense that that's what relationship you're looking for. I sense that you're looking for some romance that is going to be poetic and romantic. And I saw you swimming in a lane, and then I heard, Stay the course. And then I heard, Okay, and then white dress. So I don't know if this is a serious relationship because white dress implies maybe a serious relationship. I think that you're- It's probably what happened with the so far away. Yeah. But I did also receive something that you are right now in your mindset is that you're fishing for some romance that... Like not just a fling, you're looking for someone that you're going to have compatibility with and more long term is what I'm trying to say.
[01:12:14.820] - Michele Yes, very much so. I'm done with games. I mean, I'm too old for that.
[01:12:19.780] - Michael Now, Michelle, I have a couple of things coming through to me when I just hear your voice just connecting to your energy field. Can you actually just give me your voice, first name, just one time slowly again, and I'm going to reconnect to your energy.
[01:12:34.040] - Michele It's Michelle.
[01:12:35.170] - Michael Michelle. Okay. So I have to talk about a P. So there's a couple of different things coming to me just psychically in your energy field. So I want to talk about the P or a PA initial, Paul or a Paula. So there's definitely a significant. So let me ask you, I mean, I'm not in full medium ship mode right now, but is there a significance to the P around you as a loved one in spirit, or am I picking on something psychically in your energetic field?
[01:13:03.410] - Michele Well, there was a guy here that just showed up here, and oh, my God, he was a stalker.
[01:13:11.850] - Michael But he left for six months.
[01:13:14.750] - Michele He I'm going to be leaving. I think he left for six months to Portugal. I hope he don't come back. Oh, my God.
[01:13:19.950] - Michael Okay, so. Okay, so excellent. I appreciate you validating that name. So just be aware of that. That's a significant name. Be aware of the energy around that name. So I think they're showing me that however you approach that and handled it, I would definitely say I'm just supporting that decision. That's what I feel in your energetic feel like you made the right decision around that name, that person. Now, I also have to talk about the 17th. So this could be one in seven, the 17th. This could also be the one in the seven be a January and a July. So I just have to ask about the significance of the 17th. Is that a significant date for you or I Could be getting the January, July significance.
[01:14:03.400] - Michele January, seven. Well, my daughter was born April the 17th.
[01:14:07.130] - Michael The 17th. Okay, so the 17th is significant. Okay, so what's going on here is I'm starting to connect to your collective, so Loved Ones in spirit. I definitely feel energy coming to me from dad's side. So I don't know if this is dad in spirit or someone that would be around him or connected to him. But that's where this information is energy. So is your dad in spirit?
[01:14:28.110] - Michele Yes, he is.
[01:14:29.250] - Michael Okay. So that's who I'm connecting to. That's the energy. And I always feel the energy from dad's family, that side, that connection comes to me in a certain way in a certain sensation. So I can definitely say he's acknowledging the Paul, the PA around you and how you handle that. So I would definitely say you handled that properly. And whatever was going on moving away from that energy was probably in your best interest. And then he wants to acknowledge the 17th. So I would say he's bringing my attention to your daughter with the 17th and the significance around that. It's interesting. I have to talk about when I focus on your daughter, I don't know why I'm seeing, I don't know if I'm seeing Arizona or Arkansas, but there's something to do with an A state. I believe I'm being pulled like an AR. I believe I'm being called to Arizona. Can you take that? Is there something significant for your daughter connecting to her to Arizona or Arkansas?
[01:15:24.050] - Michele Well, my mother used to live in Arkansas, and then my niece, my brother, lived in Arizona.
[01:15:30.920] - Michael Okay, so what's going on right now is literally, I'm starting to connect to your collective, and we're just starting to pull through mediumship information. So what I'm going to say, because obviously, we can't do a full mediumship session right now, but I'm very connected to what I'm going to call your collective. I would definitely just... I have to honor dad's energy around you. So I would definitely say, connect to him. If you're feeling disconnected to him or there was some disconnection or you're just looking to get guidance or your loved ones in spirit, there's definitely a lot of connection from dad's side. So I feel like there's several energies around him that you can connect to. So be aware of the male- I was real close to my grandfather. Yeah. So his energy, exactly. That whole collective of the male energy around is definitely supporting you in a very positive divine way. And they're acknowledging your daughter. They're just starting to, literally now we're just starting to pull through little pieces of evidence and validation so they can show they're around you. So I would say they want to make their presence known. So if you've been concerned, hey, I'm not I'm not sensing them.
[01:16:36.030] - Michael I'm not feeling them. Just know they're coming through in this session to give you guidance. So what I would say rather than I'm not getting a clear information as far as you are you connecting to this possible relationship? What I'm sensing is it's almost like they want to direct me to show you, sit in the presence of spirit, sit in that divine connection, sit in the Whatever environment that is that's going to try to help you quiet your mind and just listen. And I think they're going to give you insight and guidance. You're going to get that knowing, that gut instinct to show whether you should move forward in this or not. And I feel like that's why they're coming into this session like this and jumping in into my energy field because they want you to understand that you're being supported by them. So I think there's some variables around you moving forward with this other, with this relationship. So there's something around it. And I almost sense you have to take your time with this. And there's some other things that are going to unfold, some other information that just might make you delay it or might say, okay, I need to look at things at this aspect or maybe I...
[01:17:47.390] - Michael It's weird. The overwhelming sense I get is just slow down and take your time with it. Don't rush. Don't rush into this. And know you're definitely being supported by the male energy around you as I'm and connecting more and more to your energy, there's just more information coming through. So just understand you have a very strong connection to them. So if you're not trying to take the time to really quiet everything down and sit and try to get guidance from them, whether that's initially a name, a number, a knowing, just start to sit with that energy and feel how it unfolds. And I would write it down and journal it and just see what keeps coming to you. Are there different similarities or do you keep getting signs and symbolism? Every time you feel like you're connecting to one of your loved ones. You keep seeing a certain date or a certain time or does a certain state show up and maybe directing you to go there?
[01:18:39.520] - Michele I always see my birth date. Okay.
[01:18:42.380] - Michael All right. So when you're seeing that, That could be a sign that they're trying to show you. So when you see that, stop what you're doing and try to be present and recall what you were thinking about. Were you asking the universe? Were you asking your guides, God, a loved one? Were Are you asking for a confirmation or a validation or to try to get insight? Should I move forward with this? And maybe you think you're just talking to yourself or talking out loud or just having a conversation in your head, but truly they're listening and they want to guide us. So when you start seeing that sign of your birthday, and that's a reoccurring theme that keeps happening and it keeps coming into your awareness, pay attention to the thoughts that were around that, because that's what I think they're trying to do. They're trying to bring you to those thoughts and show you, yeah, when you see that, you're on the right track. So what were you thinking about? Were you thinking about, yeah, I should move forward with this relationship, or no, maybe I should hold on?
[01:19:38.960] - Michele Well, there was one guy that I was so attracted to, but he's a player, and I know he is. I'm like, Well, you hope he would change, but I don't think he is. And this other guy is more mature. I don't think the traction is all there, but I love his character and makes you laugh You know what I mean?
[01:20:01.040] - Michael So the interesting thing, and what's phenomenal, why I love doing this show so much, is we can help you take a step back. And if you just listen to what you said, you listen to the show again, you're going to see you're already getting your own insight and guidance, and you're almost like you're saying it in the same sentence. You're like, I know I shouldn't be with this guy, but I was dropped back in. So that's it. That's that gut instinct. That's that intuition telling you, Hold off. There's a red light. There's a red light. Maybe hold off on this relationship. When those red flags are going off and we don't listen to them, that's when we're taking three steps back to take two steps forward. It's when we're not listening to that gut instinct, when we know, that's when we're getting into trouble. So I I'm going to say, just sit with that energy, sit with that gut instinct, that intuitive knowing, and see what's unfolding around that. So I think that's probably going to be the most empowering thing you could do right now. And just take your time with this. Don't We're going...
[01:21:01.110] - Michael This energy cycle that's unfolding around us right now, there could be lots of opportunity in it, but we have to navigate it in a very fluent mobile way that we can shift and we can change things if we don't see that that's happening in the way it needs to happen. And then sometimes the wait and the pause can be the best thing that can happen because it allows other things to come into our energy field and let us see things different.
[01:21:28.900] - Bonnie Rogers Michael. Michael, can I say something? Do you remember that? Yeah, absolutely. Do you remember how we talked about using your body as a pendulum?
[01:21:35.700] - Michael Yeah.
[01:21:36.590] - Bonnie Rogers Well, there you go. She can learn how to do that. She can start asking the questions and getting answers for herself.
[01:21:40.830] - Michael That is phenomenal. Bonnie, can you explain that to Michelle?
[01:21:44.980] - Bonnie Rogers Can you give her- Michelle, were you on the call before when I was talking about that?
[01:21:49.600] - Michele Yes, I was.
[01:21:52.050] - Bonnie Rogers So if you stand up in a relaxed state and you ask the University yourself, either out loud or into yourself, if I'm a pendulum, show me my yes, and your body will move. It'll go forward, it'll go backwards, it'll go side to side, it'll do something. And then ask the question, If I'm a pendulum, what's my no? Show me my no, whatever feels right. And then you can start asking questions, any questions. Should I continue talking to this guy? Should I see him? Should I invite him down here? Play a game. See what happens.
[01:22:28.330] - Michele Yeah, it's pretty cool. I used to do the pendulum with the necklace when I was really young.
[01:22:35.990] - Bonnie Rogers Right, but this is your body. You always have your body with you.
[01:22:40.210] - Mary I think we're all on the same wavelength because I was just about to say before Bonnie explained the pendulum that it's so funny that you said that, Bonnie, because I was saying to myself, I don't know if she really... Her Everything's matching up with her because what do you really want? I think you need to ask yourself what you really want, and are you going to give yourself permission to have what you really want? Because there's something going on with you that's mixed. So part of you wants one thing, and then part of you wants another. So I think that what Bonnie just shared with you about the pendulum might give you some real answers, and or you can also ask your heart and find out exactly what you want, because if you have a mixed message going into anything inside of you where you're not really sure 100 % or you're not admitting what you really want, then the outcome isn't going to be what you want either. And also you're going to attract someone who doesn't know what they really want because like the tracks like.
[01:23:55.360] - Michael Okay. Michelle, we really appreciate you calling in. So I think that's Great advice from all of us. Not that we want to overwhelm you with tons of information, but I truly think you can utilize this information. You can turn your body into its own pendulum like Bonnie was talking about. And then you can allow yourself to be present in that moment. That's going to force you to be present. And then you can start to allow your intuition, those intuitive abilities to start flowing through that. Your body is the pendulum, then open to that, that psychic awareness And you're going to you're going to transition everything and you're going to start getting insight and guidance that's just going to shift your whole direction. So I think that's it. So not that we don't want to give you other information, but man, I think we hit the nail on the head. I think that was a bullseye. And I think that will really empower you to truly see that you're being divinement guided and your body wants to speak to you and wants to direct you. And I really, really appreciate you calling in. So what I would say is, when you're working this and making your body a pendulum, give us a call back in a couple of weeks and let us know how it's working.
[01:25:09.720] - Michael Has that been an effective tool for you to add into the tool belt? Is that a cool technique and how it has it unfolded? So that's the two psychics and Bonnie's quiz for you is to utilize this information for the next couple of weeks and give us a call back in and let us know how it's unfolding. Okey dokey, I will. All right. Thank you so much for calling Michelle. I'm really appreciate.
[01:25:32.310] - Mary Thank you so much for calling Michelle. Sending you blessing.
[01:25:36.000] - Michele Thank you. Thank you.
[01:25:37.600] - Mary Okay. Enjoy Florida. Warm weather. Thank you.
[01:25:41.340] - Michele Oh, I do. I'm very grateful.
[01:25:44.820] - Michael Why we get 30 degrees temperatures tonight.
[01:25:46.870] - Mary I know.
[01:25:48.250] - Michele It's like 30 degrees. What is your temperature?
[01:25:50.640] - Michael What is your temperature? It's cold. Let's see, on my computer right now, it's saying 39 degrees. Oh, my gosh.
[01:25:56.030] - Michele Where are you at?
[01:25:57.750] - Michael We're in New Jersey. Yeah.
[01:25:59.330] - Michele So we're Oh my gosh, it's 73.
[01:26:02.280] - Michael We're enjoying the nice crisp November fall temperatures.
[01:26:07.430] - Michele Oh my gosh, it's 73 here.
[01:26:10.420] - Michael You're making us jealous. You're making us jealous. Have a great day. Have a great night, Michelle. Thank you so much.
[01:26:18.100] - Michele Thank you.
[01:26:19.370] - Mary Okay. Bye, Michelle.
[01:26:20.680] - Michele Bye-bye.
[01:26:24.730] - Mary That was so interesting. We're all on the same wavelength. Let's take another one, right?
[01:26:30.370] - Michael Let's do it. Is Bonnie you up for it?
[01:26:33.860] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah, sure. No problem. No rush.
[01:26:35.770] - Mary She's enjoying this. We're texting. Hello? Hi, this is Mary, Michael, and Bonnie. Who's this?
[01:26:46.340] - Donna Hi, Mary, Michael, and Bonnie. This is Donna, in California. How are you?
[01:26:50.640] - Michael Hi. Can you give me your name one more time? What? Can you give me your name one more time?
[01:26:57.630] - Donna Oh, it's Donna. Hi.
[01:26:59.260] - Michael Donna. All All right, Donna. And you're calling in from where? California. California. Oh, man. So are you having nice sunny weather, too? Is it just us stuck up here in the northeast?
[01:27:11.210] - Donna Is it cold weather? I'm in Southern California, and it's warm. It's nice.
[01:27:16.590] - Michael Wow. I'm just curious, what's the temperature?
[01:27:19.380] - Donna I'll tell you in a minute.
[01:27:21.680] - Michael I don't know, actually. But it felt good. Let's see. Just worry, it's not 39, so you're in a better position than us. Oh. No, no, no. No, thank you so much for calling in, Donna. What question did you have for us tonight?
[01:27:36.190] - Donna Let's see. The weather's been 67, 68.
[01:27:39.840] - Michael Oh, wow. I wish I could walk out after the show and have a nice 67 degrees temperature, but no, I'm going to be wearing a coat and walking my dog with the windbreaker on, too. What question did you have for us?
[01:27:55.280] - Donna I'm about, am I going to meet someone? I'm 70, and I've been alone for quite a while. It wasn't a long term relationship with a fellow. He passed. Do you see that happening again for me? And would it be in my town, or should I move up north or near my sister? And maybe would I meet someone there? I don't know.
[01:28:17.160] - Michael All right. So we'll connect to your energy. Can you just give us your first name slowly one time? We'll connect your energy to see what we're getting.
[01:28:26.340] - Donna Okay. Terrific. Thank you. My name is Donna. Donna.
[01:28:30.360] - Michael Okay, Donna. What's interesting. Okay, so we're basically just opening and connecting to your collective, to your energetic field. So I'm just going to start pulling information. What's really interesting, I don't know if I'm getting symbolism of something that relates to you or this is a connection to a memory when you were a child, but I'm actually seeing Dorothy and Toto and lots of Wizard of Oz, like symbology. I'm not sure why. Is there a connection to Kansas or the name Dorothy? I'm seeing Wizard of Oz symbolism. So I don't know if there's something significant to you or a loved one, Wizard of Oz or Wizard of Oz connection. Does that make any sense or bring up any type of specific memory?
[01:29:14.160] - Donna Well, maybe it's because I'm on the road to getting it. I don't know.
[01:29:19.280] - Michael Is there anything to like, Kansas? Are you looking around? I'm trying to see what they're showing me. What is it?
[01:29:27.870] - Donna Well, maybe I'll be from Kansas. I don't know. I've never been there.
[01:29:31.150] - Michael Okay. So what's funny is I don't know why I'm seeing Wizard of Oz. I don't know why that symbolism is coming to me. But when we're connecting on an energetic level, I don't discredit anything and why things come in. So I'm going to psychically read into this piece of information. So, yeah, I would just be aware of what's interesting. So you're talking about you don't have someone specific in mind. It's just being open. What's interesting is I feel like I'm getting some symbolism from this. So I would just I would be aware of Kansas. So it's weird. I would be aware of just that state. I don't know why, but around that and getting that little piece of information feels good to me. I do believe, And by seeing that symbolism, I almost feel like there's some personal journey or like, exploration phase that you need to go through. Even at 70, I feel like just when I connect to your energy, your energy still feels very vibrant very up here thing. I get a lot of just a lot of positive, high vibe, high moving energy. So I feel like the energy I get around this is you may need to shift your focus and your awareness from where you're at or what you're seeing or specific things you're looking for in certain people.
[01:30:55.530] - Michael And just be open, be open to shifting your connection, your circle of influence, hobbies, interests. I feel like you need to shift the environment you're in and almost shake it up and go to a different environment. So I'll just give you an example. So if you were someone that's always going to a classical, classical, classical music, theatrical presentation. I would say, Okay, shake it up a little bit. Don't go to the orchestra. Go to a rock concert, or go to a country line yet. Like, literally, if you're always in a rock concert, then shake it and go to a museum. I feel like you have to shift your energy. There's something that if you realign your energy, I feel like it's going to bring new people, new connections and new resources into your dating pool. So I almost feel I almost feel like, I don't want to say better options could come to you if you expand, but that's what it is. It's literally showing me different environments are expanding or challenging what you're doing. So I I feel like you need to get out there and you need to explore a little bit. So it's interesting that it's like an exploration Wild West, new challenges, new horizons.
[01:32:10.380] - Michael So I'm just getting a lot of that type of energy around this. And I'm just getting the significance to the Kansas. Now, the interesting thing, I'm really being pulled to... What's interesting is New Hampshire. So I don't know if there's a connection for you in New Hampshire, or there's a family member, or you I have a loved one in spirit from New Hampshire, or there's a connection. But for some reason, I'm actually seeing New Hampshire on the map in my mind's eye right now. So I just want to bring that up. I want to just make you aware of that place and understand your collective could be showing... If you can't take New Hampshire as a childhood memory, someone grew up there, someone lived there, then- I know someone that lived there.
[01:32:52.490] - Donna Yeah.
[01:32:53.280] - Michael Okay, so is this someone that would be in spirit?
[01:32:56.760] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah. Okay.
[01:32:58.810] - Michael So I'm definitely I'm starting to connect and I'm starting to open to someone that's giving me the New Hampshire connection. And what's interesting is, I don't know if this is around mom's side or it's mom's energy that's bringing this information through. There's something to mom's side because I'm feeling it that way. This is coming to me around mom's mom. So is mom in spirit?
[01:33:23.210] - Mary Yes, she is.
[01:33:24.130] - Michael Okay, so this is definitely mom's energy. That's how I'm feeling this. And she's bringing my attention to New Hampshire. So what What is the New Hampshire connection?
[01:33:32.240] - Donna That was my ex that passed away.
[01:33:34.500] - Michael He was from there. Okay. All right, so this is interesting. So I think mom wants to bring the awareness to your ex. So now understand, I mean, your ex is in spirit, did you say?
[01:33:47.810] - Donna Yes.
[01:33:48.510] - Michael Okay. So I'm not sure what the connection is. I'm not sure around the passing, but I have to acknowledge mom bringing through and talking about the energy that's connected to New Hampshire. So I would definitely say he's around So I don't know what the situation or circumstances are, but I would definitely... I have to acknowledge that energy, and I have to acknowledge that energy connected to me to let you know that they're okay. So I just... Okay. Yeah. So I have to share that. And obviously, we can't do a full out mediumship session on the air like this, but just know they're around you. And mom's energy is definitely supporting you. And she's just acknowledging the New Hampshire energetic connection. So there's definitely something you have to look look at around that relationship. So I would say, are they characteristics that you would want to find in somebody else or characteristics that you would want to stay away from? Whatever end of it is, mom's bringing my awareness and my attention to that relationship. So I would say moving forward in another relationship, there's got to be some learning lessons or insight or information around that that you can take to move forward.
[01:34:53.130] - Michael So now, with that being said, Mary-Amy, what are you getting?
[01:34:56.350] - Mary Thank you. Hi, Donna from California. This is Mary. Okay. Initially, as soon as I heard, as soon as you start speaking, I saw a bridge. So you're moving across the bridge to the other side. So it's a bridge. You're not on the other side yet. And I have two questions for you. How long ago was the relationship? Did he pass? And how long was the relationship? Thirteen years. Thirteen years ago? Oh, he passed 13 years ago?
[01:35:33.380] - Michael Mm-hmm.
[01:35:33.770] - Mary He passed 13 years ago, and how long was the relationship?
[01:35:39.420] - Donna About 10 years.
[01:35:41.880] - Mary So he passed 13 years ago, and that's the last relationship?
[01:35:47.120] - Donna Mm-hmm.
[01:35:49.960] - Mary Okay. All right. You started out by saying that, should you move? Should I move? Should I move? Should I move to Yeah. Okay. What I want you to do is I want you to close your eyes. I want you, if you get comfortable, put all your weight in your bottom, your base of your spine, which is your root chakra. Imagine all of... I'm sorry, I'm getting scrimmed. Your feet are headed down into the Earth, so you're going to ground yourself, wiggle your toes in the Earth. Imagine that the base of your spine is going down into the Earth. I'd like you to let out a breath. I'd like you to be in this moment, all your energy in this moment, not the past, not the future right here, because that's where all the energy lies. That's where all the information is in this moment. And so with that, I'd like you to focus in on what your intuition is telling you about when you say, to move? How do you feel about that? What does your heart say? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it indifferent? You don't have to give me answers right here and now, but I'd like you to experiment with that on your own because you have a lot of That's the information inside of you.
[01:37:16.460] - Mary That's number one. Number two is, so I saw for you a white handkerchief, which is purity, unity. I also saw grass. You are growing right now. So whatever you're doing right now, I do believe that you are intentionally trying to get over this bridge to the other side because you want to now. What I'd like you to do, I'm making a suggestion to release some of this pain. Thirteen years is a long time ago, which means that there's a lot there. I'd like you to release that pain somehow, either speak it out, write it out, journal. You are having a lot of self-protection, which is good. You have boundaries set up. I sense that you cut out something significant in your life, and it's time for you to move forward. So that's what I received.
[01:38:11.660] - Donna Yeah, very helpful.
[01:38:13.040] - Michael Well, the other thing, Donna, is have you been listening to the whole show when I was talking to our fabulous guest, Bonnie, on using your body as a pendulum to try to get a little guidance how your body moves in asking the yes or no question?
[01:38:27.840] - Donna Oh, I didn't know I thought that that was your body. I got it in the last part, but I didn't know that you were actually doing it with the pendulum. You're doing it with your body.
[01:38:36.690] - Michael Yeah. So, Bonnie, can you explain that?
[01:38:39.060] - Bonnie Rogers Yeah. So if you stand up in a relaxed stance, almost like you in a Tai chi stance, just relax, and you ask your body, you don't have to say it out loud, you can ask internally, if I'm a pendulum, show me my yes, your body will move forward or move backward. It'll do something. Can you feel that?
[01:39:00.540] - Donna Hold on. Hold on. I wasn't standing. Let me do that.
[01:39:06.760] - Mary Okay. All right. I'm going to stand. Okay.
[01:39:11.460] - Donna And then I'm going to ask my body, if I'm If I'm a pendulum, show me my yes. I'm a pendulum, show me my what? Yes. My yes. Oh, okay. It's up and down.
[01:39:29.870] - Bonnie Rogers And Then ask your question, If I'm a pendulum, show me my no.
[01:39:34.260] - Donna If I'm a pendulum, show me my no.
[01:39:36.620] - Bonnie Rogers Show me my no.
[01:39:42.210] - Donna Yeah, it goes to the left of my body.
[01:39:44.800] - Michael There you go. Your body's tuning in.
[01:39:46.560] - Bonnie Rogers Then you can start to ask questions. Oh, wow. You can start to ask questions. For example, you can pick up a piece of bread and say, Is this good for me?
[01:39:59.770] - Donna Oh, Oh, okay.
[01:40:00.960] - Bonnie Rogers I mean, do stupid things. You know the answer, but see what your body does. Go into a supermarket and just hold something in your hand like you're looking at the kale and in your head, say, Should I eat this? Or something like that. Always has to be a yes or no question when you're using a pendulum, but you always have your body with you. You don't necessarily have to pull out your pendulum and let it swing for you.
[01:40:24.550] - Michael Oh, that's. As an example, Bonnie, is so say she met someone. So She's out on the dating scene, meets a new guy. She has a photograph of him on her phone. What would be the process? Could she pull that picture up, hold it, look at it, and be like, What does my body show me about this? This is hypothetical I would probably look at the picture and put the phone down so you don't have that energy in you and then ask, Is this someone I should date? And envision their face and envision them in your mind's eye. Very cool. All right, so we're all I'm learning something today.
[01:41:01.020] - Bonnie Rogers I'll put their name on a piece of paper and hold it in your hand. Okay.
[01:41:04.740] - Michael All right, so Donna, we're giving you some good tools, good tools and techniques. I'm just thankful we didn't hear you fall over. There was no thumps or anything like crashing and clanking to the ground. So that was good. When you start working with energy, just be aware. It could shift your body in certain ways, make you lightheaded. But that's very cool. So hopefully we've I'm giving you some tools and techniques and a way to look at things. You're going to have to give us a call back. We thank you so much for calling in. Thank you so much, Donna.
[01:41:41.460] - Mary Thank you.
[01:41:42.550] - Michael I just have to acknowledge mom's energy. And I would say, your extra spirit, they're supporting you, they're around you, they want to help you move forward in the best possible way. So just use these tools and techniques and let us know how everything unfolds. But thank you so much for calling in.
[01:41:59.690] - Donna Thank Thank you.
[01:42:00.950] - Mary Have a great evening. Be well. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Okay, so this is so fascinating. Last week, I had someone contact me right on, I guess it was through my email. And tonight, I have someone contacting me through Messenger, and they're holding. So we have one more caller. We'll get in before we end the show. I'd like to remind everyone this is episode 37. Our guest tonight was Bonnie Rogers, bonnieherbels. Com. You can reach michael@michaeledly. Com, myself, marieamiofficial. Com. We have a Facebook page, Choose Psychics Radio. We also have a merchandise page on Spread Shop. You can contact us about next week's show. We have guest, Jilly Clark, which is episode 36, November 21st, Angels and Angelic Channeler, Jilly. Okay, so I'm going to bring on the last caller and let's take her and see what she has to say. Hi, this is Mary, Michael, and Bonnie. Who's this?
[01:43:08.760] - Kerri Hi, thanks for taking my call. My name is Kerry. I'm calling in from Rhode Island.
[01:43:14.010] - Michael Hi, Kerry. Hi, from Rhode Island. How are you?
[01:43:18.030] - Kerri I'm doing well. Long day at work.
[01:43:22.000] - Michael So we have we have our fabulous guest, Bonnie Rogers on. She is a specialist in different energy medicine. She does a lot of alternative medicine. She does different herbal healings. And her specialty is the biomagneticism. Is there like a- Biomeg? Yeah, I'm butchering the name and I'm getting tongue-twitted, but you can look it up on our page. I'm going to call it bioenergy, bioenergy healing. You can just...
[01:43:56.520] - Bonnie Rogers Michael, you can just call it biomag.
[01:43:58.680] - Michael Biomed. There we go. There we go. So I don't sound all tongue-tied. But is there something, is there a health element or is there a specific concern or a health issue that maybe Bonnie can give you some insight or guidance or focus some of her expertise on?
[01:44:14.730] - Kerri And nothing in particular. I find for myself, I used to do yoga regularly and got out of practice, life gets busy and things sometimes fall to the way aside, and especially around full full moon energy. I've always made it a point, particularly in the summer, to participate, at least in the full moon yoga. So I was a little upset that I couldn't make it there tonight due to work, and I saw your show on, so that's pretty much why I'm tuning in. And I really resonated with the last call, with what you were describing to the last caller. So that's why I had to reach out. I know I was drawn.
[01:44:53.490] - Michael I was drawn here for a reason. No, we appreciate you calling. So we'll do that then. Is there Is there a specific question or an area of your life you want us to key in on? We'll connect to your collective, your your energetic field, and we'll see what information comes through to us.
[01:45:09.700] - Kerri I'm not open to anything. Okay, I think...
[01:45:10.860] - Mary But, Kerry, I think that there's... Do you have... We're getting feedback.
[01:45:15.970] - Michael Do you have a radio on in the background or is there any way to turn that off so you could just hear us without that?
[01:45:23.870] - Kerri No, I'm just on the phone.
[01:45:26.510] - Mary Okay. That's weird. Okay, sorry.
[01:45:29.800] - Michael So So what question did you have for us, Terry?
[01:45:31.540] - Kerri I don't have a particular question. I mean, like I said, I just really connected with... I was receiving a phone call from a friend in Kansas when you were describing Kansas to the last call.
[01:45:42.640] - Michael How funny is that? So let's do this. So okay, cool. So let's just connect to your energy field and we'll see what's unfolding and if anything specific comes to us or any date, names. So just give us your name slowly one time and we're going to connect to your energetic field.
[01:45:58.840] - Mary Kari. Kerry.
[01:46:02.720] - Michael What's interesting, Kerry, so I'm just going to start to pull through energy and just symbolism side. So I'm not sure why I'm getting so much symbolism around a November birthday, but I'm seeing like November, I'm seeing the date on the calendar, I'm seeing a birthday cake, I'm seeing candles. And I feel like I'm getting... What's interesting is I feel like there's younger female energy around you. So I don't know if you lost, if there's there's a friend or a younger child or a younger sibling. I feel like this is... I know this isn't mom in spirit's energy. I'm not feeling it like that, but I feel like there's female energy around you that's pulling this information through to me. So I just have to ask, is Would there be younger female energy around you or significant to the birthday, November birthday, like a November birthday that just passed or just coming up?
[01:46:56.330] - Kerri No. I can give you a little... Today, Today would be on my anniversary. I have an ex in spirit as well. And he passed 10 years ago, and today actually would have been our anniversary.
[01:47:09.210] - Bonnie Rogers Okay.
[01:47:09.800] - Kerri I did a picture of my grandmother yesterday, and somebody commented Happy birthday on it, and it wasn't her birthday.
[01:47:15.920] - Michael So it was very. That's funny. All right, so I'm just going to say, just connecting to your energy field, there's a lot of spirit present, and that's what's happening. It's like, they're just... Obviously, we just have a small little chunk of time here, and we're just trying to bring through. So They're jumping in. They see your loved ones in spirit see the opportunity to show you they're around you, and they just want to start dropping in a little piece of information. And that's how it works. I'll start connecting. They'll start showing me signs, symbols, things that matter. So, yeah, that the anniversary, the significance that's going on right now, they're showing me that. So just understand, in this quick of time that I'm tuning in and starting to connect to them, if you feel disconnected from them in any way, just know you're very heavily connected to them. And for me to start connecting to your loved ones this quickly, and for them to start downloading pieces of information like that, they're very connected to you. So be aware. I think you're pretty connected to them. I do believe you're... I feel like you're very connected almost to the fact that you're probably speaking with them, you're probably conversing.
[01:48:23.420] - Michael And so what's the deal with mom's... So this is grandma. So mom is still here, correct? Yeah. Okay, so Yeah, so it's definitely the grandmother's energy, and she's definitely talking about... What's interesting is, I could have been reading a little bit different with the younger female energy, and this could be your loved one in spirit that past. But what's interesting, though, I have to ask, is there a younger... I don't know if there was a miscarriage around you or mom, or there was someone around that lost a younger female energy. I don't know if there's an Anne or an A, but I Does it sense when I connect with this energy, like an A initial? That's very prominent. Now, I don't know if this... Is there an Anne or an A that's around you in spirit?
[01:49:10.590] - Kerri No, but I lost a child. I mean, I did. You did? Yeah. I Okay, so I appreciate you acknowledging that.
[01:49:18.950] - Michael And now just so when I'm connecting to your energy, I have to acknowledge the younger energy, the younger child. So just know whatever the circumstances are around there, there's just a... I have to acknowledge the loving energy that's around you and coming back and connecting. So what's interesting, was this baby born or this baby wasn't born? No. Okay. Yeah, it's in the same. Okay. So I just have to acknowledge the energy around this. I don't believe this energy, this child's energy. I do feel, I don't know if you knew male or female. I sense female energy.
[01:50:00.100] - Kerri I did too, but I didn't know.
[01:50:01.910] - Michael Okay. So it definitely was female energy. But I have to acknowledge, I don't believe at that point in time this soul was supposed to manifest into this world. So if you're harboring any... If there's any I would say if you're harboring any feelings of, is it something I do cause this. I eat not because they're very valuable. There's certain circumstances around it? I don't feel anything connecting me to that, that that would be a cause. So I just have to... I feel like spirit's bringing that through to me to really see if there's any feelings that you were at cause or fault, because I don't believe this goal was meant to come into existence at that point. And I do believe what they show me. What's interesting is, yeah, you were definitely tight. Grandma's energy definitely is, I would say, a very prominent source for you in spirit. I feel like as I connect to her energy, what's interesting there, it's starting to open. I'm seeing a lot of symbolism that's bringing me. I don't know if this is Scotland, Ireland, but I'm seeing a lot of- She was born in Scotland. There we go.
[01:51:04.550] - Michael Okay, cool. I appreciate. Thank you for that validation. Yeah, that's what she shows. So even in this small period of time, where we're only talking for less than 10 minutes here, I have to say thank you for the validating the information that's coming through because it's so important for us to understand love does not die. The physical body carries on and they want to connect to us and vicariously still live through our happiness, through our joy. So you're being so supported from spirit. I have to acknowledge the spirit that's around you that's supporting you in such a loving way and just know they're so connected to you. So if there was any doubt that Are they around me? I hope this put an end to it. If there could possibly be any doubt because they're so connected to you, and I hope this validates their connection to you. Now, I know that's a lot to take up. So Mary, did Is there anything you want to add into the reading?
[01:52:04.340] - Mary Yes, absolutely. Hi, Kari. How are you? Hi. I'm good. How are you? Hi. Okay. So this is what I received. Initially, when I heard your voice, I saw horses which represent peace and good fortune. And then I sense wind, which is a change of direction. You have a very strong spiritual path. I sense that you are very connected spiritually. I also symbolically saw the game of King Kong, which represents a shift. Okay, it's very important who you surround yourself with, and this is unusual. So I received hiccups, which is basically representing an interruption in your natural flow. I also sense that you have some anger to let go of And you have a lot of pain, and it is serious, and it's okay how you feel. It's about releasing it.
[01:53:08.890] - Kerri That makes sense, for sure.
[01:53:11.220] - Mary Okay. And that's okay. And I don't know how you want to release it, if it's going to come out in dribs and drives, if you talk to someone, if you just deal with it on your own. But there's a lot there, and I think it would be healthy for you to let go of some of it.
[01:53:29.800] - Michael And what I see going on a little bit connected to what Mary is saying, Kari, is I think you're very empathic, and I think that's one reason why you're drawn into this. So I do think you have to be aware of absorbing other people's energies and holding on to that energy. I'm releasing it. And anything you've experienced, just try to get to that grounding, centering. If you're not familiar with the chakra system and grounding and balancing the chakra system, definitely look into that and start working with that. But you're I'm really tuned in psychically. So I would say I almost feel like you're already practicing. And if you're not, you're so naturally tuned in, you should be practicing and working with these again. Definitely.
[01:54:13.940] - Kerri Everything that you just And as I mentioned, I'm very well aware of and do practice and just feel it for myself, at least. I'll be in my flow. And then it goes from Christmas past, and I'm joking when I say that, but I tend to draw in people that are not an energetic match for me, if that makes sense. So I mean, I've had some bad luck just in new relationships, but it's just being discerning and just trying to stay grounded for myself and not allow that to interfere, but at the same time not hold any ill will or animosity towards those people, if that makes sense.
[01:54:49.760] - Michael It's just creating. Definitely. I think you're very aware of the energy. I just think it's a matter of you tuning in a little more and working with it, or just like an instrument. And What's weird, I don't know why when I talk to you and I hear your voice, I keep on getting visuals seeing you paint in water colors. So I don't know what that is, the water color painting or painting like water scenes. Are you an artist?
[01:55:15.960] - Kerri Well, no, I'm not. Well, I just love the water. I mean, I'm really drawn to it, obviously, where I live, especially. But I just find it very calming, very peaceful always have.
[01:55:27.530] - Michael So that might be what I'm seeing in your energetic field is just that water and the calming effects of the water. So if you're if you're feeling disconnected, I would say that's where I would be guided to go. Meditate if there's a water feature or you can sit in your moving water, you can hear the waves or whatever that is. I do believe that's a really good source for you to ground your energy. But the big thing, I would say, just know you're being so supported by spirit. And for them to come through and connect in the way they did and what they were showing me in such a short period of time, I I just think that I have to honor and acknowledge them and them around you and just tell you to just sit with that energy and start working with it because it's going to change your life. And it's going to be very, very powerful for you when you start actually utilizing the tools and tech, really being present. And then in every aspect of your life, relationships, work, whatever it may be, family, you just start utilizing this energetic field and this awareness that you have.
[01:56:27.270] - Michael So you're not feeling so disconnected or I almost feel like it'll show you the right way you need to proceed much easier. And you'll just get into a flow state and everything will start flowing and everything will start fitting more so how it should. But it starts with you being present and you just working with the energy. So I really appreciate you calling in. Unfortunately, we don't have a ton of time left, but yeah, I mean, it's a journey I think that's starting for you. And you have very powerful natural psychic gifts. So you'd be doing yourself a phenomenal disservice if you don't develop them. And that's not saying you need to do this to have a radio show or be in front of people or do salaries or reading, but just for your own use, to Discerning relationships, discerning career, you're going to buy a car, you can feel the salesman's being deceptive. So just utilizing it for your own best interest will empower you so much. So thank you so much for calling in. I don't want to add anything.
[01:57:28.860] - Mary But wait, Do you, Bonnie, want to add anything?
[01:57:32.260] - Bonnie Rogers No, not on this situation.
[01:57:35.420] - Kerri Thank you all so much. I really, really appreciate that.
[01:57:37.870] - Michael Thank you so much, Kari. Really appreciate your. Thank you. Have a great day.
[01:57:40.240] - Kerri You too. Thank you. Okay, bye.
[01:57:43.450] - Michael All right. So we are down into the under two-minute wire.
[01:57:47.420] - Mary Yes. I apologize for the person who's holding for 50 minutes. And can you call back again next week? We'll be back on next week with Jilly Clark. And thank you so much, Bonnie, for joining us tonight.
[01:58:00.310] - Michael You are so welcome. It's a fascinating, fascinating conversation. I think you've intrigued everyone by just showing us we can be our own pendulum. I mean, that's phenomenal right there. I mean, that's gold. That's gold right there. So everyone out there listening, I hope if you didn't hear us talking about utilizing your body as its own pendulum, go back to the beginning of the episode and listen because there is some really good stuff in there. But thank you so much, Bonnie. Really appreciate you being part of the show. And Mary Amy, you want to take us out, give us all the information, or Bonnie, you want to share all your information with everyone?
[01:58:33.670] - Mary Bonnie, is there anything you'd like to share before you go?
[01:58:37.520] - Bonnie Rogers No, you can find my information at bonniezerbels. Com. And if you want to just look at the Magnus stuff, go to bonniezerbels. Com/ Magnets. And there's information there. There's some videos you can hear. You can set up an appointment, a 15-minute appointment that we can just talk to see if I think I can help you or not. And if you mentioned that you heard about me on this show So just mentioned that I mentioned that you can have a 20 % discount.
[01:59:04.790] - Michael Wow.. Nice.
[01:59:08.610] - Mary Well, thank you so much, Bonnie. And everyone have a wonderful rest of the week. And be well and maybe do some medication.
[01:59:20.240] - Michael And we will see you next week.
[01:59:21.950] - Mary We'll see you next week.
[01:59:23.480] - Bonnie Rogers Thanks for having me.
[01:59:24.980] - Michele Bye.
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[02:00:10.760] - Kerri With Wistia, you can...
[02:00:13.120] - Michael You can do it right here.
[02:00:29.420] - Kerri Learn more at-T-I-A. [
02:00:34.640] - Mary Com/info.
The pH of Your Blood or Urine Should Be a Specific Value.
You may have heard that the pH of your blood or urine should be a specific value, but did you know that other parts of your body must adhere to this as well?
The body cannot function optimally when there is a pH imbalance, where an organ or region is either in an acidic or alkaline state.
Your Body's Natural Healing Process
It is believed that syndromes, physical and emotional symptoms, and other medical problems may develop when the pH is out of balance. Biomagnetism helps balance the body, reestablish homeostasis, and restore an ideal pH to promote the body's natural healing process.
- enhances circulation
- maximizes oxygenation
- lessens inflammation.
A variety of diseases have been demonstrated to benefit from the application of Biomagnetism, such as * Acute infections; * Asthma; * Chronic infections; * Eczema; * Fibromyalgia; * Fungal infections; * Migraines; * Muscle spasms; * Urinary tract infections; and many more.

According to biomagnetism therapists, these pH abnormalities are a major contributing factor to many chronic health problems as well as diseases that could be brought on by a pathogen (virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus). By applying the right pairs of magnets to the body to correct these imbalances, your cells, organs, and bodily systems can function to return to optimal health!
Why did I decide to research this therapy and include it in my arsenal for healing?
I was sleeping on the reclining chair every night because sleeping on my arm was too painful due to an old neck injury. A friend advised me to place specific magnets on my neck in a precise position for 15 minutes every night. From the first night I applied them, I was able to spend the entire night in my bed. I knew I needed to learn this therapy, and ever since I started using this wonderful therapy, my clients have seen remarkable outcomes.
To find out if this therapy can help you, give Bonnie Rogers a call at 914-522-4221

Biomagnetism Sessions
What to expect
For serious or persistent conditions, it is preferable to see you in person, even though the protocol's effectiveness is not affected by location. I would really like you to come down in person if you are in or near Westchester County, NY.
Zoom, email, or phone will be used for remote sessions. We are able to do biomagnetism locally or globally. With this protocol, we can reach you from anywhere as long as you're within the Earth's magnetic grid. For most of the people we work with, a photo is also required.
Bonnie Rogers trained in Biomagnetism with Dr. Luis Garcia, a leader in Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. As a clinical herbalist, Bonnie uses her knowledge of the body, nutrition, and herbal medicine to help you create wellness in your body.
I thought I'd share a few of Dr. Garcia's YouTube videos with you......
We will have a quick talk to start our consultation so that I can better understand your medical history and the symptoms you are experiencing.
For in-person sessions, you will lie on the massage table covered for the duration of the session (and please remember to wear socks, as you will wear special shoes during the treatment). We arrange sessions for 90 minutes because they often last 60 to 90 minutes.
OR – if you are having a remote session, we will spend some time on the phone reviewing things, and then I will work on you, often calling you to ask a question, but you do not need to stay still.
To find your body’s imbalances, I will use your feet to perform a muscle test, and when doing a remote session, I will use a pendulum.
Once the testing is complete, I'll be attaching magnets to the imbalance and the location where the equivalent pair should be. After all the magnets are on your body, you can relax (or even take a nap!) for approximately fifteen minutes.
Certified BioMagnetic Practitioners, unless separately licensed to do so, do not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles. But rather provide herbal and/or nutritional modalities that may offer therapeutic benefit by supporting normal structure and function.