Spring Liver Cleanse

Spring Liver Cleanse

Doing a spring liver cleanse not only helps clear out the old stagnant gunk you might have been holding on to, but it also helps allow you to feel lighter and healthier as you go into the spring time.

Our liver is the 2nd largest organ in the body. (the skin is the largest).  Most of you think of the liver as a detoxification organ but it also has other important functions such as fat metabolism, cholesterol balancer, blood sugar controller and a balancer of hormones.

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Amazing Kale

Amazing Kale

Kale, amazing kale is one of my favorite vegetables.  It's low in calories, only 36 per cup, high in fiber, its filled with minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium in addition to being a powerhouse of antioxidants including vitamins A, C and K. Kale will help lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and best of all its a great anti-inflammatory food.

Read on for some delicious recipes
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Herbs for Spring Allergies

Herbs for Spring Allergies

Did you know that you can use herbs for spring allergies?  As I mentioned the other day, spring is the time for new beginnings.  The plants begin to flower and now we have pollen which for many creates heavy, stuffy heads, watery, itchy eyes and so much more.  

Instead of grabbing for an allergy pill you may want to use herbs and foods to both alleviate the symptoms in addition to helping to eliminate the problem.
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Spring represents New Beginnings

Spring represents New Beginnings

When I think of spring what comes to mind is new growth.Spring represents new beginnings. The plants are coming to life again, the trees have buds on them and the new greens are popping right out of the ground. Everywhere you look around you the colors are changing from brown to green. There’s new life abounding, baby birds, baby rabbits (the one’s I don’t want in my garden) and my favorite plants are coming back. 

Spring represents new beginnings. It’s the place where we can become unstuck and go forward.
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Are you Paying Attention?

Are you Paying Attention?

Are you paying attention? Really paying attention can be as simple or as difficult as you choose it to be.  In today's blog, I'm going to talk about paying attention to your body.  In paying attention to your body you must pay attention not only to  your body but to your mind and spirit as well; as they all work in conjunction with each other. Have you ever thought about how you could balance your body and your life so that it didn't feel precariously balanced like the stones are in the image?  

The three things I'd like to focus on are:  what you eat and drink, how you focus yourself and how to relax yourself. 
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Spring Equinox and balance

Spring Equinox and balance

Today, March 20, 2013 is Spring Equinox. Spring Equinox is one of only 2 days in the year when we have equal day and night. There are exactly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. As you look online about spring equinox you will notice a lot of talk about balance. Balancing brooms, standing eggs on their ends, but what I really want to chat about today is "Do you feel balanced?"

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Yesterday, as I walked around my yard, I noticed that the daffodils were popping through the soil.  Don't they know that it's still winter? For most of these plants a few days of warm weather will have them seeking the sun and popping through the soil. (even though it's a little too early for them)

What struck me was that just as the plants are confused so are many of you. "I want to eat healthy but what should I eat?"
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Stressed Out?? Simple tips to help you feel calm

Stressed Out?? Simple tips to help you feel calm

I spent this afternoon at Teatown Nature Reservation listening to an amazing woman, Joan Gussow read some excerpts from her new book. Joan, at the age of 83, still grows all of her food on her land. Afterwards I spent some time walking around Wild Flower Island at Teatown, one of my favorite places to go to de-stress. Even in the dead of winter when nothing looks like its growing, there is life. Tips to help you feel a sense of calm while all around you is chaos.

Listen to the small stream and "relax"
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How to boost your immune system

How to boost your immune system

There are many ways in which to boost your immune system; from eating nourishing foods to taking herbs and supplements to getting enough sleep and more.Here in the northeast winter is upon us.  We spend little time outside and if we do we’re bundled up and barely receive any Vitamin D from the sun’s rays (and with the angle of the sun in the sky now, even if you exposed your skin you wouldn't absorb much Vitamin D now anyway). A few suggestions to boost your immune system so you can stay away from the cold/flu even if it’s right in front of you.
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Breathe in the amazing White Pine

Breathe in the amazing White Pine

Have you ever sat under an enormous white pine and felt the healing energy she gives us or taken a few pine needles,or a small twig and scraped the bark off and smelled the clean white scent she offers us? Pine is considered a sacred tree throughout much of Europe and many American Indian traditions. To the Iroquois, she symbolizes a balanced life, truth, peace and a clear life purpose.  The Seneca people see her as a dream of peace for all beings and many of the cultures believe that the Spirit of the Forest lives in the old pines. After the senseless murders last week in Newtown, CT, White Pine seems like the plant we should be working with right now.

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Are you or someone you know suffering with Vaginal Pain?

Are you or someone you know suffering with Vaginal Pain?

For many this issue doesn't exist, but for the women who are suffering with vaginal pain it's a living nightmare.  Think about it, if you have the common cold, arthritis, a digestive disorder, even cancer and you don't feel well you will tell your friend, your partner, or your boss that you just don't feel well.  But, what happens to the woman who is in so much pain in her vaginal area, whether internal or external that it hurts not only to walk but to wear underwear.  
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Goldenrod for a sore, sprained or pulled muscle?

Goldenrod for a sore, sprained or pulled muscle?

For many of us sore, sprained and pulled muscles are something that happens once in a while, while others are constantly looking for solutions to these issues.  For a sprain your first line of defense should always be ice, which helps bring the inflammation down. In addition there are some herbal remedies you may find helpful. 

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Chickweed - the Little Star Lady

Chickweed - the Little Star Lady

Spring showed up here a little earlier than anyone expected; nothing like having 60-70 degree days in February and March in New York.  The plants are so happy; they’ve been breaking through the ground all over the place.  My daffodils are already about 10 inches tall, they’re not usually like this till mid-April.  Maybe it’s a message to us that we should be eating our spring greens earlier this year than before? 

When we talk about eating spring greens, it’s not about going to the store and picking up a bunch of kale or collards, it’s all about eating wild foods. 
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Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a rut?  You’re angry, aggravated and just need a little something.  Next time, reach for a little bit of motherwort tincture and see how all of a sudden things look a little brighter.

Motherwort is an interesting plant, as you look at her relatively innocuous flowers, just be aware that towards the stem they are very prickly and I’ve been stuck numerous times.  
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Never allow someone to take your power away

Never allow someone to take your power away

Never allow someone to take your power away….. Linden can help you if this happens to you.

Have you ever had someone promise you something and then turn around and not deliver?
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Is Your Body Corroding Or Recharging?

Is Your Body Corroding Or Recharging?

3  Simple Steps to Alkalinize your Body and Create Radiant Health 

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that what you put into your body can change whether it begins to corrode (break down) or recharge (rebuild). When I think about this, what first goes through my mind is whether the body is acidic or alkaline.  Think about battery acid and how it can corrode anything that it touches.  Now think about what that acid can do in your body.  What can cause acid in your body?  
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How to get your Swing Back

How to get your Swing Back

It's that season again, filled with high anxiety, too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.  Ever notice that the intimate moments that you used to make time for are quite limited these days.  I want you to remember that when you are sexually satisfied, many of the other ailments you've had seem to fade away. 

My motto:  Simple shifts can make powerful changes so let's chat about some simple things you can do:

We'll start with anxiety:
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Burdock - Transformation at its Best

Burdock - Transformation at its Best

So often we think that we need to do our best and make changes without any assistance. I invite you to start thinking about the possibility that the plants can help make this transformation easier for you.

I spent some time Monday digging burdock roots. They grow long tap roots that send out lateral holding roots whenever they can find something to grab onto, such as a rock. They are, in my opinion, one of the toughest plants to dig up. They are so grounded. Do you know anyone like this?
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What does Spring look like for you?

What does Spring look like for you?

For me as soon as I see dandelion flowers popping out all over the place, reality sets in, Spring is finally here. 

The dandelion is a tough tenacious plant which is know for its ability to survive almost anything and to spread herself far and wide. The bright flowers look like little suns, full of energy and power.

When you look at the energy of dandelion, she is a tough cookie. Have you ever tried to pull a dandelion, her roots extend far into the ground.It reminds me that dandelion is so useful for people who are very intense. These people are hard-working, over-stressed and many times very irritable. They cram too much into every day.  They need to learn to let go just like the puff ball of seeds that the dandelion has later on in the season.  Does this sound familiar??
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