Pest to Pesto

Pest to Pesto

Garlic mustard, dandelion, and nettles are they a pest in your garden?

You can go from Pest to Pesto and have an amazing nutritious meal.  We’re going to make pesto from garlic mustard, dandelion and nettles. 
Garlic mustard is a garden pest.  It is an invasive species that crowds out native plants. 
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Chia Seeds benefits and recipes

Chia Seeds benefits and recipes

Chia seeds seem to be the rage lately.  Do you know what they are?  So many have never heard of chia seeds before. However, chia seeds are extremely beneficial for your body. Here's 2 easy recipes
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Do you eat Xenoestrogens?

Do you eat Xenoestrogens?

Do you know what xenoestrogens are?  They are chemicals that can mimic estrogen.  (xeno means “foreign”)  They are synthetic chemicals that can have an estrogen effect in the body which means they are chemicals that fit into the estrogen receptors in our bodies. I love the description Sara Gottfried, MD says of xenoestrogens.  “Think of them as unwanted guests, drinking, chatting convivially, but they are really party crashers who will disrupt the whole affair when they take off their masks.”  So, not only are they crashing your endocrine party but they are stored in your fat tissue for decades, and the greatest amount of these live in breast tissue.  Lengthened exposure to estrogen (or xenoestrogens) creates a significant risk factor for breast cancer.

What kind of disease is related to xeno-estrogens? 

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Are you sleeping well?

Are you sleeping well?

Are you sleeping well? 
Suffering from insomnia? 
Do you find that when you attempt to fall asleep your mind starts spinning?  
Do you wake up in the morning and feel as if you need to go back to sleep again?

What I see in my practice is all of the above
Insomnia affects more than one third of the adult population and is more common in women. 
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Reverse Acid Reflux (GERD) Naturally!

Reverse Acid Reflux (GERD) Naturally!

Would you?  Could you?  Are you ready to take a chance on feeling fabulous and not suffering from heartburn, bloating and digestive stress?  Is this your life? 

Everywhere I go I hear more and more people talking about acid reflux.  Whether it’s a client or a friend telling me that they went to the ER because they thought they were having a heart attack only to find out it was acid reflux; it seems to be epidemic.  It’s very important that you correct this problem as you do not want it to evolve into Barret’s esophagitis which is when the esophagus tissue hardens. 

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Spring Liver Cleanse

Spring Liver Cleanse

Doing a spring liver cleanse not only helps clear out the old stagnant gunk you might have been holding on to, but it also helps allow you to feel lighter and healthier as you go into the spring time.

Our liver is the 2nd largest organ in the body. (the skin is the largest).  Most of you think of the liver as a detoxification organ but it also has other important functions such as fat metabolism, cholesterol balancer, blood sugar controller and a balancer of hormones.

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Amazing Kale

Amazing Kale

Kale, amazing kale is one of my favorite vegetables.  It's low in calories, only 36 per cup, high in fiber, its filled with minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium in addition to being a powerhouse of antioxidants including vitamins A, C and K. Kale will help lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and best of all its a great anti-inflammatory food.

Read on for some delicious recipes
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Herbs for Spring Allergies

Herbs for Spring Allergies

Did you know that you can use herbs for spring allergies?  As I mentioned the other day, spring is the time for new beginnings.  The plants begin to flower and now we have pollen which for many creates heavy, stuffy heads, watery, itchy eyes and so much more.  

Instead of grabbing for an allergy pill you may want to use herbs and foods to both alleviate the symptoms in addition to helping to eliminate the problem.
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Spring represents New Beginnings

Spring represents New Beginnings

When I think of spring what comes to mind is new growth.Spring represents new beginnings. The plants are coming to life again, the trees have buds on them and the new greens are popping right out of the ground. Everywhere you look around you the colors are changing from brown to green. There’s new life abounding, baby birds, baby rabbits (the one’s I don’t want in my garden) and my favorite plants are coming back. 

Spring represents new beginnings. It’s the place where we can become unstuck and go forward.
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Are you Paying Attention?

Are you Paying Attention?

Are you paying attention? Really paying attention can be as simple or as difficult as you choose it to be.  In today's blog, I'm going to talk about paying attention to your body.  In paying attention to your body you must pay attention not only to  your body but to your mind and spirit as well; as they all work in conjunction with each other. Have you ever thought about how you could balance your body and your life so that it didn't feel precariously balanced like the stones are in the image?  

The three things I'd like to focus on are:  what you eat and drink, how you focus yourself and how to relax yourself. 
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