Are you or someone you know suffering with Vaginal Pain?

Are you or someone you know suffering with Vaginal Pain?

For many this issue doesn't exist, but for the women who are suffering with vaginal pain it's a living nightmare.  Think about it, if you have the common cold, arthritis, a digestive disorder, even cancer and you don't feel well you will tell your friend, your partner, or your boss that you just don't feel well.  But, what happens to the woman who is in so much pain in her vaginal area, whether internal or external that it hurts not only to walk but to wear underwear.  
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Goldenrod for a sore, sprained or pulled muscle?

Goldenrod for a sore, sprained or pulled muscle?

For many of us sore, sprained and pulled muscles are something that happens once in a while, while others are constantly looking for solutions to these issues.  For a sprain your first line of defense should always be ice, which helps bring the inflammation down. In addition there are some herbal remedies you may find helpful. 

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