*Note - What the Quantum Clearing Laser does for food and water differs from what the Quantum Food Laser does.
Laser Pen for Neutralizing Negative Energies
To clear negative energy from affecting you, this pen-sized portable laser is used to cleanse tension or overload in residences, rooms, cars, and crystals.The Clearing Laser is very effective in
creating an energetic and harmonious space, the Clearing Laser is very effective at clearing any kind of negative, harmful, unwanted, and potentially dangerous energies that find their way into your mind and form negative emotions. It also protects you from other people's energies, permeating your own energy anytime you are in a public place or around others.
I'd like to share information on this amazing clearing laser.
Now I can protect my own energy anytime
- Bonnie
Why it is ESSENTIAL to have tools to help offset and clear the negative energies that are around you all the time:
Given the current global situation, we are living in a state of heightened fear. This fear, which manifests into very negative thought forms, has made its way into the consciousness of just about everyone.
The most common question we are asked is
" What is it?"
The above video's synopsis reads, "It looks like a pen, but it's actually a violet-blue programmed laser." The reason this laser pen is amazing is because of the programming. The Clearing Laser is designed to clear out anything in and around your body that may be harmful or cause problems with your energy. And here's the thing: I felt fantastic after using it. At a convention, I use this device three times a day. I use it in the morning, in the afternoon, and before the nighttime session. Despite there being a thousand individuals in the room, nothing affected me. And why I continue to say the Clearing Laser is a must-have tool for empaths!"
Clearing All Types of Negative Energies!
Your attitude, concentration, and general feeling of optimism can all be enhanced by clearing out negative energy. You can absorb negative energy from other people, the environment, or your own mind. It can wear you out both physically and psychologically, and it can spread, generating more negativity.
Use the clearing laser to remove any kind of unfavorable, harmful, undesired, and possibly dangerous energies that enter your head and body that can cause these bad feelings.
Imagine your friend discussing their disease or adversity in their life, including all of the challenges they overcame. Upon conversing and engaging with them, you have a deep sense of sadness. This is an infectious negative vibe. That does not imply that experiencing occasional sadness or low spirits is unacceptable! That's normal, but if you experience these emotions repeatedly, you may be holding onto negative energy in your body.Use the Clearing laser on your body (not your eyes) to protect your personal energy.
Create a
Harmonized Space!
Negative energy in a home is the result of an accumulation of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, or vibrations that can create a stressful atmosphere. As negative energy accumulates, it can lead to doubt, worry, fear, or depression and negatively impact the health and welfare of everyone living in the residence. A good and peaceful living atmosphere must be created in a home by eliminating bad energy.
Use the Clearing laser in and around your home to clear negative energy.
Clear Your
Crystals Too!
Video on how the Clearing Laser works.
Clearing of negative energy around you and your crystals is now possible with the Clearing Laser, also known as the Violet Flame Laser. The Clearing Laser emits a transmission of proprietary frequencies that have been programmed directly into the laser. There are a multitude of unique frequencies, over 500 in total embedded into the Clearing Laser.
Use the Clearing Laser over your crystals to clear negative energy and then connect with your intentions
VitaLazer™ Clearing Laser
Typical locations for clearing entities, energetic disturbances, negative ideas, and negative energy forms are:
1. Homes and apartments
2. Shared spaces
3. Hospitals, hospices, and nursing homes
4. Real estate (homes, rentals and property for sale)
5. Office spaces
6. Classrooms
7. Public transportation
8. Meeting spaces
9. Automobiles
10. Restaurants and bars
11. Second-hand clothes, electronics, etc purchased online or from thrift stores
12. Pets
13. Family members or children
14. *Food (clears the energy of “fear and death” from animal products) *Water (clears the collective memory of accrued negative energy in water)
*(What the Quantum Clearing Laser does for food and water is different from what the Quantum Clearing Laser does.)
The Violet Flame – History & Uses
For Those Who Need To Know How It Works
Saint Germain, known as the Ascended Master, believed to be born in 1710, is the keeper of the Sacred Violet Flame of Healing. The Violet Flame works by changing “vibrations” into a high frequency, and the spiritual energy of the violet light brings us into a higher state of consciousness. There are 7 visible rays in the atmosphere that we have all learned about or read about at some point in our lives. The 7th ray (of the seven sacred flames) is the “VIOLET RAY,” representing transmutation and healing with qualities of love, forgiveness, mercy, and freedom. The VitaLazer “Violet Flame” Clearing Laser works the same way by changing the smallest part of our spiritual vibrational energy, where negative energetic blockage can become stuck in our karma. Use it to protect yourself from other people's feelings and negativity in crowded places. Simply laser yourself *(Shine the light everywhere around your body. We like to start with the head (NOT YOUR EYES) and move it down your body, clearing all our negative energy and sending it to the earth. The process should take a maximum of 5-10 seconds.) or lasering your surroundings will transform the negative particles of energy into light and, therefore, raise your vibrations from low energy into higher, positive energy.
*For Safety Reasons - Make sure the tip is pointed toward the ground before turning on the laser by pressing the metal button. The light comes from the tip. NEVER SHINE THE LIGHT IN ANYONE’S EYES INCLUDING YOUR PET. These are not toys and can blind someone.